Massoud Rajavi wants 200 million dollars – is it a joke?

Rajavi has come out of hiding once again, this time in a rather more expansive (I should say, expensive) mood than could have been expected. He has demanded that the Government of Iraq pay him over 200 million dollars as the price of Camp Ashraf and another 20 million dollars to actually leave the country.

Where did he get these figures from? Didn’t he think that people are going to laugh at him? Or is it that he knows exactly what he is saying – just as, for ex-members like myself, it is crystal clear what he is trying to do.

On one level Rajavi has thrown yet another spanner in the works to divert the Government of Iraq from negotiating a resolution to the problem of where they go.

But what Rajavi is doing is another example of how he deceives and manipulates – or should we say brainwashes – the rank and file members for a little while longer.

As we ex-members all know, the MKO leaders will now be holding all kinds of meetings among the rank and file about that 200 million dollars. They will be saying that Brother Massoud is trying to do whatever he can for you, and that he wants to get this money to give to you.

You get the picture. They are trying to convince people that really want to leave and get on with their lives, that if you go now you will get nothing, but if you wait and do what I say you will get something. This is just like before when Fahime Arvani said ‘we’ve got billons of dollars and whoever stays with us will get his or her share’. This Mafia like group that some call a cult, I would rather call it an organised crimes organisation.

Rajavi is actually threatening everybody that if you want to go, who knows what will happen to you – look at what we do to members that leave us, or stay and get your money. Of course we all know that Rajavi’s word is worth nothing. For example, he asked everybody in Bagherzade Camp to sign a four years contact during President Khatami’s second term in office, and on the same day that Khatami was leaving office, Rajavi promised to hold a general meeting in June 20, 2004 and let everybody leave and go wherever they want to.

Well, that never happened. Rajavi is not and never was a man of his word. As a matter of fact he is too cowardly to be so. And now he wants to entice the members who lost everything they ever had and everyone they ever loved.

But Rajavi doesn’t get it yet that his master and host Saddam Hussein is not there to help him anymore, and those western backers who would help him no power to do so. Rajavi doesn’t see that the history of humankind is going forward and there is nothing he can do anymore to save himself.

By Reza Sadeghi

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