Nejat families, Mazandaran branch meeting with MKO defectors

Following the incidents took place in Ashraf during recent months and the takeover of the Camp by Iraqi Police of which the news was published by the mass media, a large number of families who are members of Nejat Society, Mazandaran Branch contacted Nejat Office to get news on the latest situation of their beloved ones in Camp Ashraf.
Therefore, on Oct 25th, 2009, the families gathered together at Nejat Office with a number of defectors of the cult. They discussed the cruel behavior of the Rajavis during the recent incidents, which ended with the death and injury of some of their children in order to achieve solutions so that they would be able to release their beloved ones from the hellish organization and to prevent the Rajavis from instrumentally abusing those captured ones.

The family members attended the meeting were:

Mr. Mehdi ramazani from Sari, Maryam Ramazani’s brother
Mr. Hassan Heidarzadeh from Amol, Parviz Heidarzadeh’s brother
Mrs. Oulia Heidarzade from Amol, Parviz Heidarzade’s sister
Mr. AliReza Rezaee from Behshahr, AhmadReza Rezaee’s wife
Mr. Naser Hosseini Motlaq from Amol, Mir Nezad Hosseini Motlaq’s brother
Mr. Nemat Allah Mohammadi from savadkouh,Majid Mohammadi’s mother
Mr. Ali Akbar Babapur from Babol, Ali Asghar Babapour’s brother

and a number of recently defected members of MKO were:

Nowruz Tavakoli,Abdullah Afghan,Iraqj Salehi,Hadi Shabani and Samad Nazari.

The meeting was held in a friendly atmosphere.


The head of Nejat Society Mazandaran introduced all the participants and then presented a report on the latest circumstances of Camp Ashraf.

He spoke of the recent visit by some families at Camp Ashraf describing the way the MKO treated them.

He also noted that Iraqi government is determined to expel the MKO from its territory, declaring the following:

• Disobedience committed by Rajavi’s cult regarding the six-month deadline that Iraqi government had assigned.

• The latest negotiations between the police of Diala Province and other Iraqi authorities and Camp Ashraf officials.

• Complete description of the incidents happened in Ashraf on July 28 and 29th following the raid by Iraqi police and the order made by the MKO leaders for resistance in front of Iraqi forces which ended with heavy casualties for the residents.

He pointed out that Massoud Rajavi ordered the members to resist for show-off and to prove the so called ideological vitality of his cult.

Maryam Rajavi also ordered public hunger strike at Ashraf that apparently lasted 72 days and according to many evidences it was held to feed the cult’s propaganda machine.

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