Is France doing Washington’s Dirty work?

Open letter to President Sarkozy

Dear Mr. President,

I am sure you are familiar with the name Mojahedin-e Khalq, as you were the Minister responsible for ordering an investigation into the MKO’s activities at its HQ in the north of Paris. An investigation which exposed Maryam Rajavi hiding alongside 20 million dollars wrapped in Iraqi newspaper.

I am sure you also remember how the MKO responded. With orchestrated self immolations – especially those outside the Interior Ministry in Paris – which put pressure on your Government to stop the investigation. These self-immolations left two dead and others disfigured and disabled.

Dear Sir,

It is with regret that I must remind your good self that in June 2007 the MKO violently attacked a public meeting of human rights activists in FIAP, Paris in which several were seriously injured.
Now, in the last week, a new incident of violent, suppressive activity, carried out by the Mojahedin-e Khalq terrorist cult in your country, has come to our attention; this time in the small town of Cergy, north of Paris.

Dear Mr. President,

Your Government has declared itself to be at the frontline of fighting terrorism. Yet the HQ of one of the most notorious terrorist cults, which has claim the lives of scores of Iraqis when working as Saddam’s private army, is located in the capital city of your county.

No one is in any doubt about the backing given by Washington to this terrorist group after the invasion of Iraq and the fall of Saddam, yet the same backers refuse to accept them on their soil and expect France to do the dirty work of housing them.

Dear Sir,

I am wondering what kind of logic your Government follows that ‘because of the failure of American policy in the Middle East, a friend of ours who has resisted every pressure to bow down to terrorists and has devoted his life to increasing awareness of terrorism, should be attacked by the remnants of Saddam’s private army in your country’?!

What kind of logic is followed in your Government that the people of France have to harbour these Washington backed terrorists just because the Iraqi government is not responding to the calls from neoconservatives to give their county back to Saddamists? And what kind of logic is followed in your Government that the same people who are under investigation on terrorism charges in your country should be allowed to attack the critics of terrorism with knives, clubs and fists?

Dear Mr. President,

There are many analysts who believe that harbouring the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organisation in France, as well as the clearly desperate support they get from Washington, is due to a lack of tools in confronting the ongoing saga of Iranian nuclear advancement. Many believe that the western toolbox is so empty that even the threadbare Mojahedin-e Khalq terrorists cannot be ignored as a tool.

Those who follow the political scene of the Middle East have noticed, particularly in recent months how the oil and gas deals have been favouring the Russians, how the Iranian investment market – especially in oil and gas – has shifted towards China, while Rajavi, Rigi (another Washington groomed terrorist in Pakistan) and PEJAK (part of the anti-Turkish PKK group on the border of Iran and Iraq, who are not either Iranian or Iraqis) are left for the clever west!!

Dear Sir,

I would like to know what steps your Government is willing to take to secure the safety and security of anti-terrorism activists who are being threatened by every possible means by the notorious Mojahedin-e Khalq organisation HQ in your country.

Massoud Khodabandeh
United Kingdom
November 30th 2009

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