On Saturday, November 28th, 2009, a large number of citizens of Cergy, France gathered to protest the presence of the terrorist cult of Rajavi in their country soil.
The rally began at 14:00 when the citizens gathered together in downtown. The gathering started with a performance made by Iran-France music band that played fascinating pieces. A panel was also held for a book show that included 5000 editions of journals, books and revealing catalogues on MKO.

There were also huge posters, distributed among protestors to reveal the cult-like nature of Mujahedin-Khalq Organization.
During the rally a play was performed by a group of former members to present a symbolic show on torture, imprisonment, suicide operations committed by Rajavi’s cult. The participants were moved by the performance.

Hundreds of Iranian-French citizens sang the famous Iranian song “Ey Iran” standing in organized lines and then walked through streets of Cergy under the rain.
They ended their rally after they issued a resolution at 18:30.
The move was executed by cooperation of some NGOs and foundations formed by former members of MKO.

At the ending phases of the demonstration, a few suppressive henchmen of Rajavi’s cult attacked the demonstrators and hit them on face and eyes. The attackers were sent from Auver Sur Oise to break down the peaceful rally. Three French citizens and an Iranian were injured by MKO agents who were consequently arrested by French police.
Aria Iran – Translated by Nejat Society