New wave of dissatisfaction and disarray in Camp Ashraf

According to credible reports received by SFF from inside Camp Ashraf (where over 3500 victims of Mojahedin Khalq terrorist cult are kept as bargaining chips by the leader Massoud Rajavi), after the arrest and the subsequent release of 36 of the members by the Iraqi security forces last summer, Massoud Rajavi and his deputy Mojgan Parsai have been forcing everyone to attend brainwashing meetings with the aim of getting some control over the forces there. According to the news now coming out, these new sessions have not been effective anymore and the unrest and demonstrations are increasing rapidly.

In some instances, the forces of Mojahedin Khalq Organisation (MKO) inside sections 13 and 15 of this camp have been distributing written leaflets entitled “death to Rajavi” and “Rajavi lies”.

The leaders of the Rajavi cult have reacted with panic and have confiscated all computers, printers, copy machines etc from these sections.

News suggests that given an alternative place to go, 70 to 80 percent of the stranded people will leave the camp and distance themselves from Rajavi. The leaders of the cult are desperately trying to keep the people isolated and away from any outside contact in a bid to stop the news coming out.

Sahar Family Foundation warns about yet another attempt by the leaders of the MKO to divert attention by creating yet another massacre similar to that which they created last summer.

Sahar Family Foundation asks all relevant Iraqi and international bodies, in particular those in a position of influence in western countries, to intervene to stop yet another disaster committed against the people who are trapped by the MKO leaders in this camp, by opening the doors and letting them have free access to the outside world.

We will be giving more news about this as soon as possible.

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