The Enslaved POW released

Of the most heinous war crimes of Saddam during his eight- year long war against Iran was ill-treatment of the Iranian prisoners of war (POW). To be a POW in Iraqi camps meant to be a witness of continuous violation of the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Prisoners of War (GPW) that sometimes turned into a tragedy by the help of the MKO traitors housed by Saddam. Unfortunately, the Iraqi regime was not complying with the Geneva Conventions but so close was its collaboration with the housed terrorists that in many occasions Saddam would hand over the POWs to MKO during the war in defiance of international law.

In fact, some Iranian POW were held captive by Saddam for 8-9 years and then enslaved by MKO for nearly 20 years after the cease fire. As reported by Nejat Society, another defector of Rajavi’s destructive cult has recently returned to his homeland, but he is a different case. Mahmoud Dashtestani became a prisoner of war in 1980 during Iran- Iraq War. In 1989 MKO deceived Mr. Dasahtestani into recruiting him and sent him to Camp Ashraf. He had been a member of the so called National Liberation Army for about 20 years. Who is responsible for a three decade-long lost life of a man ill-treated in turn by a dictator and a terrorist cult?

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