MKO fundraising for Haiti ?

Following the disastrous earthquake in Haiti, Sweden, with a nine-million population is the third country to help the survivors ranked after the US and Canada.

But fraudulent groups use the opportunity to raise their own funds, manipulating people’s emotional feelings.

Swedish authorities have made some decisions to prevent these individuals or institutes from financially abusing people. It has published a list of organizations that are considered as untrustworthy charities.

The government has allocated some special bank accounts to charity organizations. Such bank accounts are numbered with digits beginning with 90. The thirty organizations listed by the government, lack the accounts which are called “ninety”. Among those organizations, one can see the name of a front organization working for Mujahedin Khalq organization which is named “Mujahedin Sympathizers Society”(MSF) .

Erik Zachrison, from Council of funds raised by volunteer charity organization of Sweden has already told about the listed organizations:” I don’t know their nationality and they have not managed to present a registered number for their organization. I just know they are active all over Sweden and they do not own the account “ninety” and they have never asked to register a “ninety” account. They stop people in the streets by showing brochures or pictures and for example ask them if they know Amnesty International and then ask for financial help. A lot of people think they are helping that mentioned international body”

Many of these organizations use names including terms like cancer, orphans, very similar to those of famous charity organizations in order to deceive people.

The thirty listed organizations are as follows:

• Al-Aqsa Spannmål Stiftelse
• Baltic 2000
• Cancerhjälpfonden
• Cancer- och Allergifonden
• Cancer- och Allergifondens Stödförening
• Cancer- och Barnhjälpen
• Cancer- och Miljöfonden – CMF
• Cancer- och Trafikskadades Riksförbund
• Cancer & Trafikskadefonden
• CURO – Riksföreningen för cancersjuka
• Developing World Clothing
• FRF-Stiftelsen – Fonden för Rehab o medicinsk forskning
• Gatubarnsföreningen
• Hjälpfonden
• Hjärtehjälpen
• Humana Sverige/UFF – U-landshjälp från Folk till Folk
• Innocent Child/Krigets Oskyldiga
• Insamlingsstiftelsen för Handikappades Rekreation
• Klädinsamling Service

• Orphan Home Care
• Pilgrimsfolket
• SADF – Alzheimer och Demensforskning
• Samhällsfonden/Svenska Samhällsfonden
• Stockholmsstorken/Storken
• Svenska Smärtafonden
• Sveriges Cancersjukas Riksförbund
• Telehjälpen

Translated by Nejat Society

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