Iran: Europe has been a safe haven for terrorists

Iran slams Germany for terrorist release

Abdul Rahman Haji Ahmadi, 61, was arrested in his apartment near Cologne, Germany on Friday.

Iran’s Foreign Ministry on Tuesday criticized Germany for releasing the leader of the terrorist group Party for a Free Life in Kurdistan (PJAK).

Abdolrahman Haji Ahmadi was arrested at his apartment on Friday, but was released Monday, a website affiliated with the Movement for Change in the Iraqi Kurdistan region reported.

PJAK is an offshoot of the internationally-recognized terrorist group, the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), which conducts deadly operations in Kurdish-populated regions of western Iran.
In reaction to the report, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast accused Western countries of not being sincere in fighting terrorism.

Mehmanparast said Tuesday that evidence at hand indicated that "Europe has been a safe haven for terrorists" and continues "to support terrorism despite chanting slogans in defense of human rights."

"We saw the same pattern about Mujahedeen Khalq Organization (MKO). This criminal group was taken off the [terrorist] list in Europe. We also saw another instance in Abdolmalek Rigi’s case where the footprints of foreign intelligence services were seen in supporting his group (Jundallah)."

The same holds true about the PJAK leader, who was released by Germany despite Iran’s hard evidence available regarding the group’s numerous acts of terror, Mehmanparast said.

According to a New York Times report in October 2007, PJAK has "direct or indirect discussions" with American officials. Its ringleader reportedly visited Washington in the summer of 2007.

The group is branded as a terrorist group by the United States.

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