MKO-linked spies arrested in Qom

Spies connected with the anti-Iran terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO, aka MEK/PMOI) were arrested in Qom, deputy public prosecutor of the city informed.

Hujjat-ul-Islam Mahmoud Talebi Wednesday told media that “a number of MKO-linked spies have been arrested by Qom security agents in the last few months,” Habilian Association (families of Iranian terror victims) news website quoted IRNA as reporting.

“Based on confidential documents, the people were proven to commit crimes including disturbing national security, fighting against the Islamic Republic and the Supreme Leader and inciting people according to the MKO’s purposes,” he said, not revealing the number of the arrested.

“Some of the arrested were directly connected with the MKO and shuttling between Camp Ashraf and Iran,” Talebi added.

He said the cases of the arrested are “under investigation”.

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