Statement of De-Baathification Campaign against MKO

Issuing a statement the Iraqi anti-Baathist movement declared yesterday: “According to the investigations by the responsible Iraqi security systems, MKO (a.k.a MEK, PMOI, NCRI…) terrorist cult was involved in the recent explosion in the Iraqi city of Khalis which led to the death and injury of dozens of innocent people of the region.”

In this statement, a copy of which was sent to Habilian Association, the anti-Baathist movement urged the active Iraqi political groups to take immediate and explicit position against the terrorist MKO cult.

The full text of this statement is as follows:

MKO presence in Iraq is the flagrant violation of the Iraqi constitution
The anti- Baathist movement asks for all political groups active in Iraq to take an immediate and explicit position against the MKO and to try to end this terrorist organization’s unwanted presence in Iraq, especially now that it’s hidden to no one the heavy costs of damage it has imposed to the Iraqi people, the very recent of which was targeting dozens of innocent people in a brutal explosion in the city of Khalis.

Initial information suggests that the name of the group was listed in the research results of the security forces about the explosion led to the martyrdom and injury of dozens of peoples in the region.

MKO presence in Iraq is an obvious interference in the internal affairs of our friendly neighboring country and a blatant violation of the Iraqi constitution based on which the presence of hostile terrorist organizations which act against the other countries from inside Iraq is illegal.

As the anti-Baathist movement of Iraq and regarding the necessity of protecting the nation’s achievements and its strategic interests, we demand the Iraqi government to set in motion the expulsion of MKO terrorist group from Iraq as soon as possible and to end the file of a terrorist cult which has caused serious damages to our nation and spilt a lot of blood in suppressing the Shiites Intifada and massacre of Iraqi Kurds and hiding the mass graves of the innocent people in Diyala province.

Immediate trial of this organization or its instant dismissal from Iraq is the least we could do in return for the blood of those who have been martyred by this terrorist cult.

People’s anti-Baathist movement

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