Whose rights is MKO concerned about?

According to reports from Tehran’s Public Prosecutor Office, five terrorist convicts have been executed over their involvement in bomb attacks and links to terrorist groups known as PJAK and PKK. The convicts were hanged in Tehran’s Evin prison early Sunday. Three of them were arrested in 2006, and convicted for their involvement in a failed bomb plot in the capital Tehran, one for planting a bomb near a military base in Tehran and the last for complicity in a deadly bombing in the city of Shiraz in 2008.

Among all similar anti-Iranian terrorist groups, at least MKO should have been the last to have any reason to protest execution of these terrorist as it is claiming to have denounced terrorism. But it has taken the lead and in a statement Maryam Rajavi condemned the executions and expressed her sympathy with the families of the executed. Although the organization succeeded to bamboozle the EU into believing that it has denunciated terrorism to be removed from the list of terror, its maintenance on the US FTO and its open protest against the terrorist convicts explains its eagerness for the glorification of terror acts committed by parallel organizations now that it cannot openly get entangled in terrorist activities.

While Maryam Rajavi is seriously concerned about the violation of the rights of the executed terrorists, the question raised in the minds of the advocates of human rights is that why she prefers to be blind to the evident violations of human rights in Camp Ashraf and deterring the families of the members, who are camping outside Camp Ashraf, to meet their children and relatives. It seems that, as Maryam Rajavi demands, it falls within the responsibility of the international humanitarian organizations and bodies to protest execution of terrorists rather than to come to the aid of the members of a terrorist cult held enslaved against their own will.

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