MKO view parents as evil

"Cults In Our Midst" is a book written by professor Margaret Thaler Singer in 1995. Mrs. Singer is a Psychologist with over fifty years of research and clinical experience. Her book is a well-written text describing what cults are and how they work. The book explains how cults (Like Al Qaida or MKO) use motivational psychology to create closed controlling environments where cult members have little opportunity for free thinking.

Doctor Singer believes:

"A considerable number of different guided–imagery techniques are used by cult leaders and trainers to remove followers from their normal frames of reference […]. As a result, they enter a trancelike state in which they are more likely to heed the suggestions and absorb the content of what is being said than if they were listening in an evaluative, rational way." [1]

Professor Singer describes the role of cult leaders as:

"..Many cult leaders put great pressure on new members to leave their families, friends and jobs to become immersed in the group’s major purpose. They use manipulative techniques to make the members review their past and view their parents as evil and no loner trustworthy."[2]

During the few past days, MKO leaders had some of Camp Ashraf residents interviewed on the group’s TV channel. The show indicated the annoying systematic manipulative pressure on the group’s rank and file. Those who were interviewed on TV were mostly among those members whose families were waiting to visit them at Ashraf gates. The families were prevented from visiting their loved ones by MKO leaders.

It is stunning that the participants at the TV show view their awaiting and suffering parents as evils, and insult them!! They call their brother or sisters as traitors and spies of Iranian Intelligence!!

It sounds like MKO leaders are feeling distressed of the families constant presence at Ashraf gates, persisting on their legitimate demands.

The group’s leaders have never expected such a situation so they commit political suicide rather than behaving democratically and according to civil ethics.

The decline of cult-like thinking in MKO caused its leaders to perform these TV shows. They resort to these tactics since they realize how terribly they are discarded by public opinion which will end in their final cul-de-sac in future.

It is clear that the defection of experienced members following the presence of families at Ashraf gates, signifies the decline of the terrorist destructive cult of Rajavi.

[1] ‘cults In Our midst: the continuing Fight Against Their Hidden Menace.", Professor Margaret Thaler Singer Ph.D, Page 157.
[2] Ibid page 88

By: Arash Rezaee

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