Second report on the 19th June 2010 gathering of the families outside Ashraf garrison
As you were informed previously, some chiefs of tribes as well as officials of Diyala province in Iraq participated in the gathering of the families outside Ashraf garrison and delivered speeches for them. These people went there with the intention of trying to pursue the leaders of Rajavi cult to let the families visit their loved ones, but their attempt failed like the earlier ones and they even faced insults and horrific behavior from the elements of the cult.

When the chiefs and officials directly learned about the rules and regulations inside Rajavi cult told by the freed members, they were astonished and described them totally in contradiction with Islamic codes and social norms. They admitted that they did know about the collapse of morals in that cult to this extent.

They invited the families to travel to the centre of province (city of Baquba) and speak in the gathering of officials and chiefs of the province and also they announced that they are prepared to set an exhibition for the people of the province to let them know more about the nature of MKO.
Describing about topics such as compulsory divorces, weekly immoral sessions, the view of the cult about family, free thinking, friendship with other members and so on inside the cult amazed them and the reporters present in the gathering. Chiefs of tribes of the province of Diyala called such relationships inhuman and disgusting.

In this regards the Iraqi paper Badr wrote on 20th June 2010 quoting the deputy governor of the city of Khalis (the city near to the Ashraf garrison): “a delegation from the local authorities and tribe personalities went to the Ahraf camp to persuade the leaders of MKO to let the families to visit their relatives on humanitarian grounds, but their attempt failed exactly like the previous ones”.
During this gathering formed outside Ashraf camp, the leaders of the cult brought a few mind manipulated elements to insult and threaten the families. This action well exposed the nature and the situation of Rajavi cult.
Also in a telephone contact between the gathered people and the conference in Paris, Ms Abdullahi and Mr. Akbarzadeh described the situation on behalf of the families. In this conversation which was simultaneously broadcasted for the Paris conference as well as the gathering outside Ashraf camp, Ms Batul Soltani, former member of the MKO leadership council, said in Paris: “your action made us to move more jointly and you all must be sure that we would not rest a moment until we fulfill your demands”.
Ms Abdullahi said: “if even one person is forced to stay in this confinement garrison against his or her will, we would not leave this place. It is nearly 5 months that we are sitting in this place and everyday we learn more about the wicked character of Rajavi cult. We are not afraid of the threats made by the leaders of the cult. Today many reporters and a number of local chiefs and officials are our guests (at this moment the participants in Paris conference applaud)”.
Mr. Iman Yeganeh who has recently been freed from the captivity of the cult talked to the reporters gathered around him and explained about the internal relationship and physical and psychological situation of the members and revealed many facts for them.
The news of the mentioned gathering was covered by many Iraqi and international news agencies, radios, televisions, and newspapers.