Letter to Mr. joe Stork,Director of HRW for Middle East

MOjahedin Khalq, MKO, MEK, Rajavi cult deprive families from visiting their children

Mr. joe Stork, The Honorable Director of Human Rights Watch for Middle East

With our best regards to Human Rights Watch organization for their constant and steady endeavors toward human rights throughout the world,

As you are well informed that a number of elderly fathers and mothers of the cult’s captives who traveled to Iraq ,hoping to see their loved ones after many years of imposed and compelled distance in New Iraq Garrison(Former Ashraf) ,got astounded and shocked because the operatives and official of the cult do not allow them to meet their loved ones. They have waited since 3 months ago to see their relatives in that garrison , but instead of meeting their loved ones , they have been insulted and slandered by the cult’s operatives since their arrival .These families despite of bad weather and the lack of accommodation , are persisting to see their relatives . Despite of their age and bad weather , they are very determined to find a solution to see their loved ones.

Your Excellency , with this preface we would like to draw your attention to this fact that we the backers and supporters of the Seminar , Support of the Rajavi’s castle victim’s families (Ashraf Garrison-Iraq) which occurred in Paris on 19th of June /2010, are separated and victimized members, critics and families of those stranded victims in Ashraf garrison who have a brother , sister, father or mother and friends in there who are under severe indoctrination and brain washing methods .We had been in the same situation as they are now ,but we could set ourselves free from all those indoctrinations and brain washing methods and fortunately we gained our freedom by separating ourselves from this organization, and now after gaining our freedom, together we want to help the other victims who are still kept in Ashraf Garrison and pmoi’s main headquarters in Paris

We urge you to provide an opportunity for those families awaiting behind closed gates to meet their loved ones whom they have not seen them for 20 years in some cases. The leadership of this cult (PMOI) have deprived those victims of having any communication with their loved ones by labeling those desperate families as Iranian intelligence service agent whereas this leadership lyingly pretend that they are supporting human rights and Iranian people’s rights, but we should ask the leaders of this cult that are not those families part of Iranian people? at the end ,I appreciate all your efforts towards helping those desperate families to see their relatives and i am entreating you again to provide an opportunity for those families to meet their loved ones , who are living in a very bad and harsh situation inside Ashraf camp.


1.Abas Sadeghi/Germany
2.Rana Samadzadeh Aghdam/Sweden
3. Maryam Ahmadi/Sweden
4. Hossein Samadzadeh Aghdam/Sweden
5. Ariya Abdollahi/Norway
6. Javad Abolhosseini/Netherlands
7. Alireza Bashiri/Norway
8.Batool Maleki/Switzerland
9.Massoud Jabani/ Netherlands
10.Mohammad Hossein Sobhani/Germany
11. Hadi Shams Haeri/Netherlands
12. Noshin Bashiri/Norway
13. Tovartan Babakhani/Netherlands
14. Tamin Abdollahi/Norway
15. Rabeae Shahrokhi/Sweden
16. Hashem Payro/Norway
17.Hamid Yazdanfar/Norway
18Jafar Ahmadi/Norway
19.Maryam Taheriyan Pajoh/Sweden
20.Mehdi Ahmadi/Sweden
21.Omid Ahmadi/ Sweden
22.Massoud Khodabandeh/England
23. Ayob Kord Rostami/Canada
24.Farshid Ahmadi/Sweden
25. Farid Armideh ,The son of Aliakbar Armideh/Sweden
26. Saeed Armideh ,The son of Aliakbar Armideh/Sweden
27.Mitra Yosefi/Sweden
28. Naser Rezvani/Sweden
29. Farshid Nazari/Norway
30. Farzad Farzinfar/SWeden
31. Nima Parniya/Norway
32. Anne Singleton/England
33. Saeed Khodabakhsh/Canada
34. Parvin Haji/Canada
35. Fereshteh Hosseini/Denmark
36. Parya Dabiryan/Greece
37. Hassan Faraji/Sweden
38. Omid Ariyapoor/ Norway
39. Faramarz Afshari/Greece
40. Elham Norouzi/Canada
41. Soheyla Norouzi/Canada
42. Babak A/France
43. Alireza Nasrollahi/France
44. Mostafa Mohammadi/Canada
45. Shan Kord Rostami/Canada
46. Marlen Kord Rostami/Canada
47. Bahareh Nikbakht/France
48. Hassan Piransar / France
49. Hamed Sarrafpour/France
50.Alireza Nabavi/Sweden
51. Anika Nabavi/Sweden
52.Sara Nabavi/sweden
53.Rohi Aslani Sweden
54.Zahra Makari/Sweden
55. Kenar Jasem Ali/Netherlands
56. Horiyeh Mohammadi/Canada
57.Shirin Aghvami/Sweden
58. Zari Aghvami/Sweden
59. Mehri Nasiri/Sweden
60. Gholam Shirali/Norway
61. Habib Khorami/Netherlands
62. Marziyeh Gonjeshki/ Netherlands
63. Mahbobeh. Hamzeh /Canada
64.Narmin Jasem Ali/Netherlands
65. Zahra MOhammadi/Netherlands
66. Mohammad mohammadi/Canada
67. Morteza Mohammadi/Canada
68.Hamid Tavana /Netherlands
69. Mohammad harati/Netherlands
70. Tol Malavi
71. krigoriyan
72. Mohammad ellami
73. Khalil Taghavi/Netherlands
74. Mina Taghavi/Netherlands
75. Karim Haghi / Netherlands)
76. Khaled Taghavi/Netherlands
77. Zaghik Babakhani/Netherlands
78. Hamid Balfan/Netherlands
79. Maryam Jahanfard/Netherlands
80. Mohammad Karami/France
81. Javad Firozmand/France
83.Mehdi Sojodi/Germany
83. Mehrdad Sagharchi/scandinavia
84. Ali Jahani/ Germany
85. Majid Rohi/Denmark
86. Parvin Jafari/Denmark
87.Roya Haratipour/Norway
88.Bashir Hamdardzadeh/Sweden
89. Javid Hosseini/Greece
90. Mohammad Satari/NOrway
91. Jalil Hasimi/DEnmark
92. zayd Rahmanpour/Norway
93. Ashraf mohammadi/Norway
94. Hamid Balfan/Netherlands
95. Noor Dara/Netherlands
96. Soheyla Behboodi/Germany
97. Nasrin Behboodi/Netherlands
98. Kazem Hosseini/Netherlands
99.Maryam Farokhi / sweden
100. Amir Movasaghi/Germany
101. Edvard Tormado/Germany
102. Armineh Tormado/Germany
103. Behzad Alishahi/Netherlands
104. Nahid Amiri/Netherlands
105. Alireza Mirasgari/Germany
106. Mohsen Abaslo/Austria
107. Alireza Naghashzadeh/Germany
108. Elham Kakavand/Netherlands
109. Ali Akbar Rastgo/Germany
110. Majed Dara/Netherlands
111. Noryeh Dara/Netherlands
112. Nona Abdollahi/Netherlands
113. Ali Taghavi /Netherlands
114. Mehdi Fadayee/Germany
115. Khaled Taghavi/Netherlands
116. Yorik Ebrahimiyan /Germany
117. Farideh Barati/Netherlands
118. Mahbobeh Barati/Netherlands
119. Arash Moghadam/Netherlands
120. Batool Soltani
121. Armin Seraj/Netherlands
122. Kardo Dara/Netherlands
123. A Abkhaziyan/Germany)
124. Narineh Artesh/Germany
125. Ali Zirak/Netherlands
126. Sara SAdeghi/Germany
127. Bahadoor Khorami/Netherlands
128. Jafar Gonjeshki/Denmark
129. Jamshid Charlang/Germany
130. Ali Sheykhi/Netherlands
131. Hesam Sheykhi/Netherlands
132. Reza Sadeghi/Belgium
133. Eman Vaseti/Netherlands
134. Khalil Vaseti/Netherlands
135. Faramarz Pashayee / Canada
136. Mohammad Nabi Soleyman Nejat/Canada
137. Khoshnam Hesami/Canada
138. Hassan Saberi/Canada
139. Mehrzad Zardoshtiyan /Netherlands
140. Ghodrat Hamidi/Canada
141. Hasheh Mirza/Netherlands
142. Ershak Naghdali/Netherlands
143. Ebrahim Manaf/Netherlands
144. Sava Manaf/Netherlands
145. Amir Atefeh/Netherlands
146. Sanaz Dara/Netherlands
147. Saeed Soltanpour/Canada
148. Mahnaz Alavi/Netherlands
149. Christin Karkhaziyan/Germany
150. Habib Asadollahi/Germany
151. Millad Ariyayee/Germany
152. Ali GHashghavi/Germany
153. Shadi Doosti/Netherlands
154. Hassan Haghi/Netherlands
155. Mostafa Rahmani/Germany
156. Amir Movasaghi/Germany
157. Saeedeh Jabani/Netherlands
158. Maryam Vaseti/Netherlands
159. Hossein Ghanbari/Finland
160. Mansour Nazari/France
161. Hossein Naghdi/Germany
162. Mohammad Razzaghi/France
163. Nader Naderi/France
164.Yahya Haghjo/Sweden
165. Faramarz Niksefat/Denmark
166. Sepideh Aref/France
167. Dr. Farzad Rahnama/Carolina, USA
168. Mohammad Allavi/France
169. Shiva Mostafavi/France
170. Mehran Taghiabadi/France
171. Jamshid Peyvasteh/Netherlands
172. Mehrdad seyyedian/ Norway
173. Eshrat Fallah / Norway
174. Amir Taherloo / Sweden
175 . Shiwa Mostafavi / France
176. shokoufe Bayat /Sweden
177. Fateme Soleymani / Norway
178. Ali Mirzayi / Norway
179. Ashraf Amrolahi / Sweden
180. Ahmad Nooraei / Germany
181. Zohre Shams / gemany
182. Heydar Ghadiri /


– Embassies of Iraq in France
– Relevant MEPs
– Office of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maleki
– US State Department

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