Mojahedin Khalq at the end of its line

Iran’s Ambassador to Baghdad Hassan Kazemi Qomi says MKO’s recent protest in Paris was out of desperation.

Iran’s Ambassador to Baghdad Hassan Kazemi Qomi has brushed aside an anti-Iranian rally held by the terrorist group, Mojahedin Khalq, (MKO) in Paris, saying the group has reached the end of the line.

"The leaders of the MKO terrorist group held a costly protest in Paris and used huge propaganda, asking some (infamous) politicians, who have no place among their own people, to join the crowd as their supporters, in order to declare that they want to continue their presence inside Iraq," Hassan Kazemi Qomi told Fars News Agency on Monday.

"MKO’s recent vain efforts indicated that the group does not hold out much hope," the Iranian envoy noted.

The anti-Iranian terrorist group staged a demonstration against Iran on Saturday, June 26 in the suburbs of Taverny outside Paris, calling for tougher sanctions against the country’s nuclear program. Former Spanish prime minister Jose Maria Aznar and former US ambassador to the UN John Bolton delivered speeches during the event.

Kazemi Qomi emphasized that the Iraqi people and government are seriously determined to expel the members of the terrorist group from Iraq and the expulsion of the MKO is one of the concerns of the new Iraqi government.

Mojahedin Khalq Organization is a terrorist cult which was founded in 1960, but fled the country after Iran’s 1979 revolution and after carrying out a series of bombings and assassinations inside the country that killed thousands of Iranian citizens.

The terrorist group received military support from Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein and was stationed inside Iraq’s soil in return for espionage for the Iraqi army during the Iran-Iraq war (1980-1988).

Following the 2003 US-led invasion of Iraq, US troops disarmed the MKO at its Camp Ashraf, which housed them, and surrounded it until Iraqi forces took over responsibility in 2009.

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