PKK urged to Shelter Mojahedin Khalq Terrorists at Iran’s Borders

Washington has reportedly called on the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) militants to allow members of an anti-Iran terrorist group into mountainous area along Iran’s northwestern border.
"On Saturday, White House officials sent a message to the PKK’s Leadership Council, asking it to permit members of the terrorist Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) to set up a base in the Qandil mountain range on the Iranian border," Fars News Agency quoted an informed source with the council as saying on Tuesday.

The Qandil mountain range, where Israeli firms operate, is the stronghold of the PKK militants and their sister terrorist group PEJAK.

The International Strategic Research Organization, a Turkish think tank, warned last month that agents with the Israeli spy agency Mossad as well as the Israeli military’s retirees had been sighted providing training to PKK gunmen in the Iraqi Kurdistan. Washington’s proposal comes as the deadline for complete withdrawal of US troops from Iraq draws near and Baghdad is set to hunt down and expel MKO terrorists.

The US is reportedly seeking to relocate the MKO terrorist before leaving Iraq, the source told the new agency in the Iraqi city of Erbil.

"They (US officials) promised that they would put an end to Turkish military strikes against us (the PKK), should we accept their condition," the senior PKK official told Fars News.

"The offer is being studied at the moment," he added.
The MKO is regarded as a terrorist organization by much of the international community including the United States.

An informed source, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Press TV last month that a group of 150 longtime MKO terrorists has been moved from their base in Camp Ashraf near Baghdad to a US base in central Iraq to be trained as spies.

The US plans to dispatch the trained MKO members as secret agents across the border and into Iran, with plans to carry out terror acts, according to the source.

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