Letter to the families of victims of September 11

The letter of Iran’s families of terrorist victims to the families of victims of September 11

Terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 marked a painful beginning for the millennium of the human civilization history. This event was the evidence of the obvious savageries of groups which do not consider any respect for human lives and do not hesitate in committing any crime for achieving their goals.

Terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 marked a painful beginning for the millennium of the human civilization history. This event was the evidence of the obvious savageries of groups which do not consider any respect for human lives and do not hesitate in committing any crime for achieving their goals.

We, the members of Justice Supporters Association, compromising the families of 16000 terrorism victims of Iran, once more condemning the September 11 attacks and expressing our sympathy with the victims’ families, believe that terrorism is an ominous phenomenon which revealed its cruel nature more than ever in 2001 attacks.

The happiness of terrorist organizations across the globe following this heart-breaking event showed that the global community is encountering interacted and dangerous organizations which do not follow any role in murder and violence, these organizations kill innocent people throughout the world from the biggest cities of the United States to the small villages of the Middle East.

One of these organizations is the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization which celebrated after the September 11 attacks due to its Marxist-Leninist ideologies. Now the question is that, why the leaders of terrorist organizations like MKO and Al-Qaeda which have bee designated as cult-like terrorist organizations, are not arrested and tried.

Mojahedin-e Khalq terrorist organization, which has murdered more than 12000 civilians in Iran and cooperated in the suppression of Kurds and Shiites in Iraq, has perpetrated various crimes including kidnapping, highjacking, armed robbery, however, not any step has been taken by international societies for its eradication.

We, the families of terror victims and members of the Justice Supporters Association who have lost our dearest ones by MKO attack, call for the arrest and trial of the leaders of this terrorist organization. We would like to witness a day in which no one grieves for his beloved ones. This is not possible unless an international effort and cooperation of non-governmental organizations comprised of terror victims’ families of the world.

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