Interview with Alireza Einakian, MKO former member- Part2

Mr. Alireza Einakian could manage to run away from Camp Ashraf after midnight of September 7th 2010. His escape was successful due to his courageous innovate plan. The following is the interview with Mr. Einakian by Sahar Family Foundation:

SFF: now that you could release from Camp Ashraf, how do you feel?

Mr. Einakian : Before my escape, I had no idea of Iraqis organized procedure. I just wanted to get rid of Ashraf in any way. Because of MKO’s propaganda about the outside world, everyone hesitated to leave the camp. For example, they said that the hotel – where I stay now- is the center of corruption. When I first came here, I expected to see what the organization’s leader had told us, but I was surprised to see that nothing was so as what they had said. I was not willing to visit the agents of Sahar Family foundation because in the organization, they had demonized it a lot, but then I found out that all of that false propaganda was opposite to what I saw with you. When you first introduced yourself, I was really shocked but I believed your honesty after I listened to you. First I decided to use a false name, then I said to myself that living with lie is enough.
The organizations propaganda on SFF has caused the members to panic even the name of this foundation.
During the twenty-five years of my life in Ashraf I really remained retarded of normal life. It is impossible to compensate.

SFF: Didn’t you have an organizational marriage during your membership in MKO? What do you think of marriage and having a family? Why does MKO oppose to marriage?

Mr. Einakian : No. I didn’t get married even organizationally but I would like to have a family. I think God has created men with this instinct and marriage is not contradictory to religion, morality and etiquette and it is highly recommended. If there was a problem with marriage, prophets would never get married.
The organization claims that obligatory divorces are along with [the regime’s] overthrow and it will release the members’ energy. But in fact not only their energy wasn’t released, but also their minds got more involved in sexual issues. Later they claimed that forced divorce was executed to liberate men and women. They said that was for your whole life and you would not marry again even after the overthrow. Actually we were all busy working too hard and we didn’t realize how Rajavi tricked us in to his malicious goals.

SFF: What motive caused you escape the organization?

Mr. Einakian: In fact my main disagreement with MKO was "forced divorce". I had no deep, internal faith in it. I wondered how a man (Rajavi) had absolute power over others. I couldn’t tolerate the officials humiliating and insulting me anymore. They verbally abused members in their meetings but all facilities are in their hands. The low-ranking members ought to labor very hard. The internet was only used by high-ranking female members because Rajavi didn’t trust male members.

I know it’s too late to compensate but I try to convince myself that I have time to live but I know I have lost a lot of opportunities and I consider Massoud Rajavi as the only responsible for my current situation. If I had known what was going to happen in MKO, I would have never joined it. Under the rule of Rajavi, you could only experience pressure and tension. So I decided to end the issue. I asked myself why I don’t live in freedom for the rest of my life; why I should waist my life in MKO.

Today a new topic is being discussed in MKO:"Eradication of sexual issues". It means that you should confess anything you think of. Primarily you shouldn’t think of sexuality but if it crosses your mind, you should report it in the meeting. I was always worried about those meetings, my mind was all the time involved with such problems. I always asked:"Oh God! When will the meetings finish?"
All those numerous meetings had no benefit, no result. I concluded that I had to escape Ashraf and finally I succeeded to run away.

SFF: How is the relationship of UN authorities in Iraq (UNAMI) with MKO?

Mr. Einakian : This was a confidential issue and ordinary members had no idea of such relationship. In case of any visit with the authorities, the group’s leaders would let us know by a brief report. This would happen occasionally not as a routine job.
The organization tells UNAMI that the members are afraid of their coming to Ashraf and in this way the commandants prevent UNAMI’s access to rank and file members. I think that UNAMI officials should contact MKO’s low-ranking member outside Camp Ashraf so the members feel comfortable to talk to them.
Once UNAMI had installed a station in Camp Ashraf, MKO had also installed an inspection station in order to stop members going to UNAMI station. Today UNAMI has no office in Ashraf.

I suppose that the presence of UNAMI officials in Camp Ashraf cannot solve the problems since the members are not able to talk to them in a free atmosphere. The commandants have been ordered to monitor those who are problematic (or as they call) "weak circles". The visit should be held outside the camp and without the presence of MKO authorities.
Sahar Family
Translated by Nejat Society

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