Recent Human Rights Violation in the Mujahedin – Part1

Statement of Massoud Tayebi, the dissociated Vice President of the Army Staff Headquarters and a member of the Central Council of the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (aka MKO, PMOI, NCRI, Rajavi’s cult, MEK…).

At the time I chose to leave the Mujahedin Organization, I, Massoud Tayebi, was a Vice President of the Army Staff Headquarters and member of the Central Council of the Mujahedin. I also held a high position in the Organizational MO, which is a rank for males only. I have more than twenty years of Organizational activity and work experience with the Mujahedin Organization.

After two decades of active political life with the Mujahedin, I managed to escape the Mujahedin’s base in Iraq, and at present I am living in Europe as a political refugee.

I started my political activity with the Mujahedin in 1978. In 1981 I was arrested and spent one year in Evin’ and Ghezelhesar’ prisons in Tehran. After my release, I continued my political activities with the Mujahedin. The government discovered my activity and one night armed personnel attacked my residence. I escaped the attack and for six months lived underground in the city of Mashhad. In 1984, I was helped to flee Iran by the Kurdish Democratic Party and to join the Mujahedin’s bases in Kurdistan in the north of Iraq.

From then until 2001 I worked in the Mujahedin performing various duties, including with the publicity department. In 1991, I was appointed as a member of the Central Council of the Mujahedin Organization. My name and identity is registered in the Mujahed Publication (Special Edition) of 1991 which is available as evidence.

In 1994, I went to Paris with Maryam Rajavi, returning to Iraq again in .1996. In 1999, in recognition of my 20 years of professional political and organizational activity with the Mujahedin I was appointed as a Vice President of the Army Staff Headquarters. My picture is printed in Mujahed publication No. 562 year 2000. My latest duties in the Mujahedin were to produce and anchor the propaganda program on the 24 hour satellite program of the National Liberation Army of Iran. I have a video recording in which I am performing as broadcaster in accordance with my long relationship with the Mujahedin and also my experience in camera work, I was present in a meeting during which some individuals who were not in agreement with the Mujahedin’s political policy, expressed their desire to leave the organization. Unfortunately, as a result, they were subjected to an unfair trial. This trial was organized and directed by the leader of the Mujahedin, Massoud Rajavi. There was neither a defense lawyer nor a jury in this trial.

I realized how cruel and unfair the Mujahed in really are by holding such trial. This made me think and, after 23 years of serving this Organization, I decided to disassociate myself from the Mujahedin. I hold it necessary to notify others of my disassociation with the Mujahedin Organization through this announcement.

Masoud Tayebi

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