Iran condemns West for using MKO terrorists to assassinate scientists

Senior MP Hails Powerful Stance of Iranian Delegation in Geneva Talks
The Iranian negotiating team showed a powerful presence in its talks with the Group 5+1 (the five permanent UN Security Council members plus Germany) in Geneva and managed to defend the country’s stances on different issues, a senior Iranian legislator said on Wednesday.

"Owing to its powerful position-taking prior to the talks and following the demand of the people’s deputies (at the parliament) for the team’s firmness and seriousness, the negotiating team managed to prevail its logic over the talks," Head of the parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Alaeddin Boroujerdi told FNA today.

Reminding that questioning the western countries for their illogical attitudes and unjustified support for the terrorist groups and their silence on the assassination of Iran’s nuclear scientist, Majid Shahriari, was among the major issues pursued by the Iranian delegation, Boroujerdi reiterated that the Iranian team defended Dr. Shahriari’s rights and condemned the West during the talks.

"It was stressed during the talks that assassination is a failed method and it can not at all influence the Islamic Republic of Iran’s iron will in restoring its rights on the international scene," he added.

In the first round of talks with the world powers in Geneva, Iran’s chief negotiator Saeed Jalili questioned and condemned the West and the 5+1 countries for the assassination of Iranian nuclear scientist Dr. Shahriari in the entire session, an agenda of talks which more looked like a trial of the western powers by the Iranian team.

Dr. Majid Shahriari, a university lecturer and prominent nuclear scientist, and Iranian university professor Fereidoon Abbasi Davani were assassinated in separate terrorist bomb attacks here in Tehran last week. Dr. Shahriari was killed, while the second scientist escaped the attack.

During the meeting in Geneva, Jalili blasted the West’s silence on the recent terrorist moves against the Iranian elites, and said, "Resorting to terrorist moves to prevent Iran from acquiring science is a combination of fascist and medieval spirits, which undoubtedly deserves condemnation, but this (condemnation) has not yet been done (by the West)."
He described the Iranian nation as the greatest victim of terrorism, and noted, "Iran has so far lost 13,000 citizens in terrorist attacks conducted by MKO (anti-Iran terrorist group, the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization) that is supported by the West. The same trend is repeating again."

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