MKO Ringleaders Resort to Mass Murder to Come out of Crisis

An Iraq-based right group unveiled that ringleaders of the anti-Iran terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) have resorted to various forms of mass killing in a bid to bring the group out of the current impasse in Iraq.

According to a report by Iraqi daily Motamar, also published by Edalat (Justice) Society web site – an organ of the families of the Iranian victims of terrorism – the Iraqi right group has sent serious warnings to civil society and human rights bodies as well as the Iraqi government about the ongoing humanitarian disaster in the MKO’s main training camp in Northern Iraq.

The Sahar Family Foundation also said that the MKO’s ringleaders are forcing the dissident members of the group to commit suicide and massacre defectors.

The right group called on the Iraqi judiciary system, international court of justice and all international human rights bodies as well as the Iraqi and international media to take urgent action to stop the human catastrophe in the camp which, they said, now looks more like a slaughterhouse.

A November report by the Habilian Association, an Iran-based human rights group, said that under the direct order of MKO’s Ringleader Maryam Rajavi, leader of the terrorist group in the Camp of New Iraq (formerly known as Camp Ashraf) allow their members to receive medical aids, healthcare and other services in return for given levels of cooperation.

Based on the order, dissident members are deprived of medicine and other medical services or, at least, face much hardship and difficulty in procuring their necessary medicines.

The right group added that the new measure came after protests remarkably increased inside the group, specially in the camp. Right groups are gravely concerned that a large number of MKO members may lose their lives soon if UN, human rights and Iraqi officials do not force the group leaders to end their tortures and pressures against the dissident members.

In relevant development, a report revealed in November that Ahmad Razzani, a veteran member of the MKO, had been killed inside the Camp.

The report said that the move by the MKO ringleaders came after they failed to brainwash their inferiors to convince them to distant themselves from their family members who have been residing and waiting outside the camp for the last 10 months demanding freedom of their relatives.

The right group said after the brainwash policy and efforts of the MKO leaders failed, discontent and protest has both widened and deepened among MKO members.
Earlier reports coming out the camp had said that a large number of MKO’s deprecating members started riots and angry protests to end their forced presence in Camp Ashraf.
According to an August report by the Habilian Association, the MKO leaders have increased their pressures and control over the members of the terrorist group to prevent possible defection and escape by unsatisfied members.

Reports also said that all exit and entry doors have been locked and none of the members, even those suffering from acute diseases and illnesses, are allowed to leave the camp.
MKO ringleaders have ordered the camp guards to stage snap inspections of the group’s members and their personal belongings under the pretext of finding the lost weapons.
Such behaviors have sparked discontent among a number of MKO members and made them escape the camp and return to their anguished families.

According to international human rights bodies, the MKO has a completely black record in human rights. Many of the MKO members have abandoned the terrorist organization while most of those still remaining in the camp are said to be willing to quit but are under pressure and torture not to do so.

A May 2005 Human Rights Watch report accused the MKO of running prison camps in Iraq and committing human rights violations.
According to the Human Rights Watch report, the outlawed group puts defectors under torture and jail terms.

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