One always remembers where he or she was when first hearing about or witnessing the great pivotal turning points in history.
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Mark Dankof in University of Texas/Austin colors on a frigid day in northern Idaho. November, 2010. | Mark Dankof firing the Colt AR-15 in Northern Idaho in November of 2010. |
December 18th, 2010 is such a day. I was in an American diner on the north side of San Antonio for lunch, when the big screen TV in the restaurant telecast CNN’s “Breaking News” report that the United States Senate had voted 65-31 to remove any remaining restrictions on the inclusion of open, practicing homosexuals and lesbians in the Armed Forces of the United States.
The self-congratulatory trinity chosen to face CNN’s international audience in the post-vote Senatorial gala for the winning side were Joseph Lieberman (I-Connecticut), Carl Levin (D-Michigan), and Harry Reid (D-Nevada). The financial figures on Israeli PACs published by Hugh Galford and Janet McMahon of the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs (WRMEA), reveal that all three are major lackeys of the Israeli Lobby. Jews Lieberman and Levin are arguably the heaviest hitters in the U. S. Senate for the Tribe; Mr. Netanyahu; and the Mossad’s thinly disguised marriage to the American military and intelligence nexus, telecommunications giants, think-tanks, news media, publishing houses, and Wall Street and Homeland Security establishments. The monies used to elect (read hire) these men are dollars well spent. Galford and McMahon match the Israeli Lobby’s PAC expenditures with the voting records of these major denizens of Zionist Occupied Territory (ZOA), as Pat Buchanan used to term it.
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Poster Boy and Girl for the American Two-Party Love Affair with the Zionist State and the New World Order: Joseph Lieberman and Sarah Palin |
Zionist zealots allegedly on the other side of the political aisle, notably rotund “Christian” Right blowhard John Hagee of San Antonio’s Cornerstone Church, and AIPAC-vetted Sarah Palin [tapped by Israeli-asset William Kristol of The Weekly Standard to be John McCain’s running mate], fail to notice how their good friend at Christians United for Israel (CUFI) meetings, Mr. Lieberman, has served as point man for the homosexual lobby’s greatest victory in its warfare on the older Christian culture in America since the Stonewall Inn uprising in New York in 1969.
In the last analysis however, the “Christian” Right and a Jewish-controlled and financed American Neo-Conservative movement, will overlook such contradictions with their stated belief system on culture wars in America.
The reason is as morally, theologically, and politically warped as it is transparently clear. Dispensational premillennial eschatology, trans-national multinationals and central bankers, and black-operational state intelligence agencies, are now inexorably wedded to one another in the coalescence of the components of the New World Order. The unfolding results are disastrous for both the United States and the planet.
Nowhere is this unfolding disaster more tragically apparent than in Iran, where the December 20th Newsweek cover story all but concedes the American and Israeli intelligence community’s link to the recent assassinations of Iranian nuclear scientists in Tehran, and the concurrent bombings in Diyala and Chabahar provinces in that country. These recent premeditated murders, along with atrocities past in Iranian Azerbaijan, Khuzestan, and Balochistan, are all chiefly the on-site work of the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq (MEK), with occasional assists from the Kurdish PKK and Jundallah organizations.
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Pals of the Mossad and the CIA: The Mujahedeen-e-Khalq (MEK)’s recent murder of an Iranian Scientist. Do Lieberman and Palin Consider This as Terrorism? |
That Newsweek magazine would virtually concede the link between the terrorist MEK, PKK, and Jundallah organizations on the one hand, and American/Israeli intelligence on the other, underscores the work done by Ed Blanche of The Middle East magazine, Dr. Paul Sheldon Foote of Cal-State Fullerton, the Nejat Society, the Habilian Association, and yours truly. It isn’t often that Newsweek agrees with any of these sources, but access some of my past work on the MEK and compare it to their current newsstand edition.
This is no mere game being played by the American and Israeli governments. It reveals that war with Iran is already being pursued by other means. Economic sanctions, aircraft carrier task force deployments in the Persian Gulf region, the demonization of Tehran by a Jewish-dominated American media, and overt threats of preemptive strikes by the Israeli Air Force via Netanyahu, Avigdor Lieberman, and their Talmudic puppets in Washington, are now being followed by a thinly veiled strategy of employing the Communist oriented-MEK and other terror groups to commit unspeakable crimes within Iranian borders.
The Sydney Morning Herald recognizes the ultimate threat posed by the Iran policy of Israel and its American Neo-Conservative agents, and reportedly so do the intelligence chiefs of the Australian government. In a story entitled, “Australian Intelligence Chiefs Fear Nuclear War Between Israel and Iran“, the paper reports that:
Australian intelligence agencies fear that Israel might launch military strikes against Iran and that Tehran’s pursuit of nuclear capabilities could draw the US and Australia into a potential nuclear war in the Middle East. Australia’s top intelligence agency has also privately undercut the hardline stance towards Tehran of the United States, Israeli and Australian governments, saying that Iran’s nuclear program is intended to deter attack and that it is a mistake to regard Iran as a ”rogue state”.
America’s disastrous support for Israel’s policies in Palestine, Gaza, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Iran have critical domestic implications as well. As ex-CIA agent Philip Giraldi and I discussed with Iranian Press TV’s Saeed Pour Reza on December 20th, the Israeli police state at home is now matched by the American version within the borders of the continental United States. I reported on this months ago in a piece entitled, “Israel’s Agenda of Control and Death in Gaza: Coming Soon to an American Neighborhood Near You.” This madness, as chronicled by James Bovard in his essay “Assassin Nation” in the current January 2010 newsstand edition of The American Conservative, now has the Justice Department arguing in Federal Court this past November 9th, that the President of the United States has the authority to order the killing of American citizens on mere suspicion of “involvement” with “terrorist organizations.” No legal indictment. No presumption of innocence until proven guilty in a court of law. No public trial with an examination of evidence. No provision of an attorney to defend the accused. Mere suspicion will suffice, thank you. “Involvement” is not specifically defined and articulated. Neither does the American government have to explain why the organization (s) in question is defined as “terrorist” in orientation.
And my essay on “Israel’s Agenda of Control and Death in Gaza,” and Mr. Giraldi’s appearance on Iranian TV yesterday, underscore what the Washington Post conveniently omitted in its major post of December 20th on the advancement of FBI domestic spying and dossier compilements on thousands of Americans not suspected of any criminal wrongdoing: Israeli intelligence and Israeli-affiliated companies are working hand-in-glove to implement these police state policies with their American counterparts within the continental United States, utilizing TSA airport security operations, Homeland Security and “Counter-Terrorism” seminars, infiltration of the American telecommunications system and the Internet, mail surveillance, and monitoring of legitimate business and banking transactions.
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Mossad in Amerikka: The Police State Coming to an American Neighborhood or Airport Near You |
It gets worse. As Mr. Giraldi recently reported in The American Conservative, my colleagues, Mark Glenn and USS Liberty survivor Phil Tourney, were both threatened in the past year after publishing “What I Saw That Day,” Mr. Tourney’s chronicle of Israel’s deliberate, premeditated attack on that American ship on June 8, 1967. Tourney and his wife were accosted in a restaurant while vacationing in San Diego, by a strange man who knew who they were. His remarks specifically referenced the book, and indicated that the threats on Mr. Tourney’s physical well-being had their origins halfway around the world. You may draw your own conclusions as to what government was being referred to in the gutter threats.
As for such occurrences in the lives of decent American citizens, we might ask what actions their government is taking to protect them. We might also ask why a domestic Jewish paramilitary group like Kitat Kohenut draws a free pass when it comes to the investigative concerns of the Federal investigatory machine of the United States. My essay, “Kitat Kohenut and the American Police State in Amerikka” chronicles the character of this group with information taken directly from their own published site on the World Wide Web. It is their stated desire to set up operations in every major city and greater metropolitan area of America. Does this concern the FBI and Homeland Security? Or will Kitat Kohenut be signing some State and Federal contracts to assist the Israeli-affiliated Institute of Terrorism Research and Response (ITRR) in the endangerment of the lives and Constitutional rights of every person in this country?
One thing is assured. Joe Lieberman and a Zionist Occupied Territory (ZOA) called Capitol Hill won’t be providing the answers. Neither will their accessories in crime in the Executive Branch, the Neo-Conservative think tanks Inside-the-Beltway, the American intelligence community, and the American news media.
In the November 9th, 2010 oral arguments in Federal Court referenced in Mr. Bovard’s aforementioned essay, Justice Department attorney Douglas Letter asserted that no judge has authority to be “looking over the shoulder” of the Obama Administration’s targeted-killing program.
Let us however, be permitted a collective look over the shoulders of Mr. Letter, Mr. Holder, and Mr. Obama, along with those of the members of the international and domestic machinery of the American/Israeli national
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The Marxist Mujahedeen-e-Khalq (MEK): A Long Track Record of Spilling Innocent Blood. And now the Friend of the Israeli Mossad and American Neo-Conservatives |
security police state threatening Americans, Iranians, and the very survivability of the planet itself.
Three concluding questions are begged. Are the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq (MEK), Kurdish PKK, and Jundallah considered as “terrorist organizations” by the American government?
Is the Israeli government a “rogue state” and a leading perpetrator of State-Sponsored Terror?
And thirdly, what should the personal and legal fate of Americans be who are “involved” with them?
The silence is deafening.