MKO duplicity in medical care of Ms. Hemmati

Hemmati Family:
Challenge Rajavi and Mojahedin Khalq over duplicity in medical care of members

Last week a video was broadcast by the Mojahedin Khalq on their website showing Marzieh Hemmati. In this video Marzieh is stressing that she has freedom of choice – whilst in her hospital bed fighting a losing battle with death!

picture of Marzieh Hemmati published by Rajavi cult

Marzieh Hemmati is the last surviving child of the Hemmati family in Iraq. Two other members of this family have been murdered in Iran, and two others have been killed by the Mojahedin Khalq (MKO, MEK, NCRI, Rajavi cult) ideological leader in Iraq. Now that Marzieh is fighting death in Camp Ashraf, the Mojahedin Khalq leaders are trying to invent documents in favour of their ideological leader as they see that Marzieh is close to death.

A week before the broadcast of this video in Mojahedin Khalq outlets, Marzieh Hemmati made some contact with her family from Iraq. The contacts revealed that she was in a hospital in Baghdad and would be undergoing major surgery on a tumour in her stomach.

The phone call made by Marzieh Hemmati from one of the best hospitals of Baghdad with the best doctors and facilities (as was claimed over the phone and has been recorded) prompted the family to enquire into the case. How could it be that at exactly the same time that the Mojahedin were claiming that the Iraqi forces were refusing to allow their sick and needy to be transferred to hospital (and they were carrying out demonstrations in western countries on that issue), Marzieh has been admitted to the best hospital in Iraq? Over the phone Marzieh claimed that every possible facility was available to her and she would undergo surgery on November 14, 2010.

As her family, several things came to our minds:
– There is some kind of plot. The Mojahedin Khalq does not usually have humanitarian feelings but they do play with people’s feelings. We should be cautious.

– In the latest contacts a few months before this, Marzieh called all her family members “members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards” [Translator: activation of cult phobias in the MKO is standard when members contact their families]. So what has happened now that she is been asked to call the same people in a friendly way?

– one of the family members who spoke to Marzieh believes that the kind of talking we witnessed was very much as though saying her goodbyes and was the last contact she was making. It seems her sickness is very grave and she may not survive the surgery or may die a short time after the surgery. The MKO may have asked her to call so that after her death the family of Hemmati would at least stay passive or they may even be brought to participate in yet another of the MKO’s disgusting shows that they perform on their satellite TV and websites!

What is being said in this video is a confirmation of what she said over the phone except that in the video it is being said in the cult jargon which the Mojahedin usually use. MKO leader (Massoud Rajavi) as usual is acting too clever for his own good. We, the family, of course have nothing to do with him. But one should not forget that this kind of misuse of the situation of a sick person on her death bed and the propaganda usage of the feelings between family members – it is not going to work any more. Marzieh should of course be free to choose what she wants, but no reactionary force should be free to misuse and play with the feelings of others.

We seriously recommend to the ideological leader (Massoud Rajavi) that before trying to begin any new games, he should have a glance at his past deeds and his messy history. For us the results of this ideological leader and his deeds are crystal clear. It is also clear for us that Marzieh Hemmati is seriously ill and her death is unavoidable now!
The Mojahedin claim that the advanced nature of her illness is as a result of the Iraqi Government placing limits on them. Even if you produce evidence and documents to support this claim, your history shows another story.

The Ideological leader was playing God in the time of the rule of Saddam Hussein. He would do whatever he wanted with his opponents. According to his own admission, the influence they had in Saddam’s regime would shock the Iraqis themselves.

When, in the time of Saddam, they gave the body of Hayedeh Hemmati to her family in Switzerland, the Swiss doctors emphasised that if Hayedeh had been brought for medical help a year sooner, she would have survived. But two months before the death of Hayedeh, in the year 2000, when the Ideological leader (Massoud Rajavi) was certain that she would not survive, he allowed her to be transferred to Switzerland where her family lived.

Hayedeh Hemmati died because the Mojahedin Khalq refused her access to medical help. You deliberately sent Majid Hemmati over a minefield in total darkness so that you would meet your number targets while sitting in Camp Ashraf. And did your organisation meet its target?

Nahid Hemmati (Asefeh) the older sister of Marzieh Hemmati: Mrs. Rajavi! Can you remember in the year 2000 when I wrote to you personally and said that the doctors are stressing that after the death of Hayedeh, her sister Marzieh should undergo medical checks, especially on her lungs? Didn’t I attach the medical report to you through Mahvash Sepehri (one of Rajavi’s lieutenants)? And can you remember that no-one, including yourself, ever answered my requests?

In 2003, I came to Paris. You, as usual, made some silly gestures as you do, and then Mahvash Sepehri told me: “you’d better go to Iraq if you want to bring Marzieh here”! And she was suggesting this at a time when the leaders of your disgusting organisation one after another were running away from Iraq!

Mrs. Rajavi! Your organisation has put the video of my sister on your sites. I have tried hard to make some contact with you and ask simple questions about my sister’s illness. But, as usual, you have refused to give any answer. You have not even accepted to listen to my questions. You hung up the phone on me.

You are pretending that you are doing these in a legal framework but it is now about two decades that the name of the Hemmati family has been misused by you. This is certainly something that can be followed legally and we see no other choice except doing so.

Fatemeh Hemmati (Mother)
Nahid Hemmati (aka Asefeh)
Zohreh Hemmati
Roya Mohammadi (nee Hemmati)
Hamid Reza Hemmati (aka Mohammadi)
Mastoreh Mohammadi (nee Hemmati)
(Edited by : Esmail Hoshyar, November 30, 2010)

Iran Tribune – translated by Iran Interlink

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