MKO Declares Joint Responsibility for Chabahar Blast

Sources privy to the central command of the terrorist Mojahedin-Khalq Organization (MKO) disclosed on Monday that the MKO had collaborated with Jundollah in the last week terrorist blast in Southeastern Iran.

"A source close to the HQ of the National Council of Resistance (Mojahedin-e Khalq, MKO, MEK, Rajavi cult) in Paris told Iran-Interlink of the MKO’s ‘delight’ over the bombing in Chabahar, Iran, last week," Iran-Interlink Website said, explaining that the source made the remarks in a contact with the website.

According to the source, the MKO leaders started celebrations after they were informed of Jundollah’s success in staging the Wednesday terrorist bombing in Chabahar.

"Accordingly, a close circle of MKO leaders in the HQ of the terror group in Paris celebrated the massacre and praised Jundollah, which has claimed responsibility for the terrorist act," Iran-Interlink added.

The website quoted the source as saying that the MKO had been informed of the terrorist attack and had done the planning and provided all the needed logistic supports for Jundollah through its agents.

"Not only was the group informed about the terrorist attack well in advance, but this action was planned and carried out with the logistical help of the Mojahedin-e Khalq operatives based in Paris," it said.

After his capture last year, Jundollah leader Abdolmalek Rigi admitted to links with the MKO.
A suicide attack near a mosque in the Southeastern city of Chabahar on Wednesday killed at least 39 and wounded 93 civilians in a mourning ceremony held to commemorate the martyrdom anniversary of Shiites’ third Imam.

The attack took place outside Imam Hossein Mosque in the port city of Chabahar, in Sistan and Balouchestan province, near the border with Pakistan.

The Pakistani-based Jundollah terrorist group claimed responsibility for the attack.

Also, after Iran arrested Jundollah’s number one Abdolmalek Rigi in late February, the criminal ringleader confessed that he was traveling to Bishkek to meet with a high-ranking US official at a nearby military base to discuss new terrorist attacks on Iranian territory. Rigi was executed in June.

Iran says that there are few remaining elements of the group that the United States and British intelligence services are supporting. Tehran has arrested or killed a large number of the Jundollah terrorists, including the ringleader Abdolmalek Rigi and his brother and Jundollah’s number two man Abdolhamid Rigi.

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