Urgent Call to save Ashraf Residents from the planned mass murder

More than one hundred individuals have lost their lives inside Ashraf during recent years in different ways and due to cult like tendencies of the leaders of the organization. There are many cases of murder in the file of the Mojahedin Khalq Organisation and its head Massoud Rajavi, among them one can name Hanif Emami, Hamid Reza Zamani, Saeed Noruzi, Akbari Nasab, Alan Muhammadi, … and the most recent victims of the ruthless leaders of the cult : Ahmad Razani and Mehi Fathi.

Ms. Elham Fardipour and other innocent ailing members would be victimized as well if MKO leaders continue preventing them from accessing medical treatments.

All these killings have been under the direct order of MKO Cult’s leader, Massoud Rajavi as he threatened several times that if he cannot go out of the current stalemate, and reaches the end of the line he will create "species of Ashura" for the members. That is to victimize all members of his cult by ordering the members to commit mass suicide or self immolations and the like as many cults like David Koresh in Texas and Jim Jones in Guyana did in the past. This is not far from MKO nature as it has at least once occurred in the group when in June 2003 the members were ordered and intrigued to set themselves on fire following the arrest of Maryam Rajavi by French Police. The result was death of two women.

We, the families of MKO hostages declare our deepest concerns over the security of our beloved ones kept captive behind the bars of MKO Camp Ashraf call on all humanitarian and international organizations to break silence, step forward and prevent a humanitarian catastrophe occurring inside Ashraf garrison and within the cult.

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