Rajavi incites brainwashed Mojahedin to burn themselves

Rajavi plans to incites brainwashed Mojahedin Khalq to burn themselves and self-harm after failure of his strategy to escape the crisis engulfing Camp Ashraf

Alnakhel news – confirmed the news from inside Camp Ashraf that after the failure of Massoud Rajavi’s strategy to save the terrorist camp, he has incited the brainwashed Mojahedin to burn themselves to get out of the impasse that surrounds the camp. Alnakhel news agency reported the possibility of the elimination of members with cancer or other diseases in the MKO terrorist group by forcing them to commit suicide by burning themselves individually or collectively.

The aim of the leaders of this criminal group by forcing members to commit suicide or self-immolation is to point the finger of blame at the Iraqi government so that it shoulder more burdens and face more problems at this time.

In addition to the torture of the MKO members, cult leader Rajavi initiated the anti-humanitarian act …to deny families who have gathered at the camp gates from seeing their children, and on the other hand to prevent the families from checking the health of their loved ones.

Iraqi police intervened last week through inspection of the [MKO] hospital, which is part of the sovereignty of Iraq, to provide medicine and doctors. But the MKO leaders took the initiative to send members to injure themselves to prevent the entry of Iraqi police to the hospital.

In this way, the MKO aims to accuse the Iraqi forces of beating its members so as to create a grievance in order to prevent them from deciding in the affairs of the hospital and the need for medicines and doctors to treat patients. This criminal act comes at the time when Rajavi on one hand sends patients to the best hospitals in the Iraqi capital who are treated by the best doctors and specialists, and on the other hand claims he was facing problems in the treatment of patients due to restrictions imposed by the Iraqi government.

It is worth mentioning that the MKO had initiated the liquidation of a number of its members before and after the occupation of Iraq and claimed then that they were killed in U.S. air raids. A number of witnesses dismissed these false allegations out of hand and said they were killed by members of the MKO group.
Nakhel news, Baghdad  –  translated by Iran Interlink

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