Iran overcomes US-backed Mossad

Iranian Intelligence Minister Heidar Moslehi says the Islamic Republic has succeeded in overcoming the so-called strong Israeli intelligence service Mossad supported by the US and Western states.

Iranian forces managed to penetrate into the depth of Mossad information system and recognize and dismantle its different networks, Moslehi told reporters on Tuesday.

His comments came after Iran’s Intelligence Ministry said on Monday it had dismantled an Israeli spy network and arrested the main perpetrators in connection with the assassination of Dr. Massoud Ali-Mohammadi, an Iranian nuclear scientist and a lecturer at the University of Tehran.

One of the detained terrorists, Majid Jamali-Fash, confessed that he had received training in a military base outside Tel Aviv.

On July 12, the Iranian nuclear physics scientist was killed in a remote-controlled bomb attack in the Iranian capital, Tehran.
The bombing took place near the professor’s home in northern Tehran.

“One of our biggest achievements was penetration into intelligence system of (Mossad) culprits which enabled us to recognize the nature of their measures,” the Iranian minister went on to say.

“The spy and terror networks were working as a cell which means that they had no information about each other’s activities and they did not know one another,” Moslehi added.
He also warned of threats against top scientists in regional countries, saying, “All prominent scientists are posed to the terror threats of security service of the Zionist regime (Israel).”
He stressed that Israel opposes scientific progress of Muslim and regional countries and said, “We feel responsible to give information to other regional and Muslim states about moves by the Zionist regime.”

The Iranian minister pointed out that Israel is a regime whose existence is based on “terror, horror and occupation” and stressed that the Islamic Republic would definitely adopt intelligence measures to counter Israel.

Moslehi further noted that sedition incited by enemies after the June 2009 presidential election in Iran raised the enemy’s hopes and urged leaders of sedition to give explanation about their roles in creating an intelligence gap which inflicted such damage on the country.

“With regard to an intelligence gap created in the Islamic Republic during (last year’s) sedition movement, the enemy though that it could use the opportunity to achieve successes while (Iran’s) intelligence bodies were embroiled in the sedition,” he said.

Moslehi warned regional countries which cooperate with Israel that any facility they provide to the regime is regarded as a “threat” to Iran and the entire region.
“These countries will turn into bases for terrorist moves of the Zionist regime,” he said.

The Iranian minister reiterated that based on information obtained by the Islamic Republic, Israeli and NATO officials had meetings with members of terrorist cells, including Party of Free Life of Kurdistan (PJAK), Jundallah and the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO), to achieve their own objectives.

“In the meetings, Mossad told MKO members that they should focus their activities on nuclear sites of the Islamic Republic and damage them.”

However, he emphasized that Iran managed to deal a heavy blow to Israel’s intelligence service and noted that more than 10 Israeli spies have been arrested.

China Forum

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