Iran calls for EU to reform its approach towards terrorist MKO

Iran called for the European Union (EU) to reform its approach towards terrorist Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO).

"We expect all international organizations and countries, which claim they back human rights, to condemn terrorist acts without resorting to any dual-track political behavior," said Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast on Tuesday in his weekly briefing session with reporters.

His remarks came after the EU Foreign Policy Chief Catherine Ashton released a statement on Ashraf Camp events in Iraq and in favor of the members of MKO terrorist group.

Mehmanparast called for the EU to avoid providing shelter for terrorists.

Meanwhile, he referred to Iranian diplomats in Ivory Coast and said, "Iranian diplomats and nationals were all evacuated from Ivory Coast and we hope that stability and security returns to the African country soon."

"We will do our utmost to evacuate Lebanese nationals from Ivory Coast to transfer them to a safe place," Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman added.

As to launch of Bushehr nuclear power plant, he said, "all measures for launch of Bushehr nuclear facility have been completed, experts are carrying out their activities and their work is going well. We are only waiting for the power plant to generate power and join national grid."
He then assured that there is no problem for operation of the nuclear installation in near future.
Mehmanparast then moved to France’s more limits on Muslim women as well as crack down and arrest of protestors and said, "any measure to prevent hijab means lack of freedom and human rights."

"Women’s right in European countries is one of the instances revealing double-standards on human rights. Women have the right to have hijab. We advise Western countries to consider human rights in its real form and give up instrumental use of human rights."

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