12,000 Iranians victims of MKO terror

Iran has criticized the West’s support for the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) despite the group’s deadly attacks and crimes against thousands of Iranians.

At a meeting with the head of South Korean Supreme Court in Tehran on Tuesday, Iranian Justice Minister Morteza Bakhtiari said “12,000 Iranians have fallen victim to MKO’s acts of terror but the U.S. and Europe keep supporting the terrorist group,” Fars news agency reported.

“Two-hundred revolutionary and significant figures have been martyred by the MKO members,” Bakhtiari added, singling out slain head of Iran’s Judiciary Ayatollah Seyyed Mohammad Hosseini Beheshti.

The Iranian minister further highlighted the contradiction between the statistics and U.S. accusations of human rights violation against the Islamic republic.

“This number of terror victims comes while from the U.S. point of view Iran does not observe human rights, and this issue is not fair,” he underlined.

Bakhtiari called on the Korean judiciary official to be aware of Washington’s attempts to tarnish the humanitarian image of the Islamic Republic.

The Korean side welcomed the proposed exchange of experiences between the two countries’ judicial institutions and said he would discuss a Seoul-Tehran judiciary exchange agreement with the Korean justice minister.

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