ADVT’s message to September 11 families and US government

Association for Defending Victims of Terrorism sent a message to Families of September 11 and US government to congratulate them the death of Bin Laden, mastermind of September 11 attacks.

This message was sent on the occasion of Osama Bin Laden’s death and the celebration hold at the site of September 11 attacks.

Undoubtedly, the news of Osama Bin Laden’s death was very pleasing news for which all people of the world and especially the families of the victims of his and his group’s terrorist crimes have long been looking for. It is our pleasure to congratulate this success to Your Excellency and the families of September 11 event. We hope that Bin Laden’s death can mark a beginning for uprooting all terrorists and criminals who victimize innocent people for achieving their own ambitions.

We, the members of the Association for Defending Victims of Terrorism of the Middle East, expressing our pleasure and happiness from the recent achievement in killing a criminal like Bin Laden, are looking forward to see a day in which the murderers of our dearest ones also be punished. Mojahedin-e Khalq (a.k.a MKO/MEK/PMOI) is a terrorist group which has assassinated more than 12000 Iranians, 25000 Iraqis, thousands of Kuwaitis and even 7 American military counselors. This terrorist group is now in the FTO list of your Department of State and the documents of its leaders’ cooperation with Al-Qaeda and Bin Laden reveal their real nature.

We, the members of the Association for Defending Victims of Terrorism of the Middle East would like to ask you that whether the time has not arrived to administer justice against terrorists who have committed crimes several times more than Bin Laden and his terrorist group? Can we celebrate a day in which the killers of our dearest family members have been tried by justice? Indeed, how long can we live with a feeling of insecurity and threat by some terrorists who are not different from Al-Qaeda or Bin Laden?

The terrorist leaders of the MKO are trying to remove the name of their organization from the FTO list of your country and unfortunately some officials are helping them in achieving their illegal inhuman demand and making them released from the hands of justice.

Many international documents like Human Rights Watch report of May 2005 and US National Defense Institute report of 2009 have disclosed the dangers of this terrorist cult to the global security. High-jacking, armed robbery and attacks against military units or civilians are among the other crimes of MKO. MKO has acted as the private army of Saddam Hussein for many years and contributed in the suppression of Iraqis and Kuwaiti youths in 1991 and this has led to the hatred of people of the region from them. MKO is a terrorist group with cultic characteristics and relations. It turns its members into people who can commit any inhuman terrorist crimes like self- immolation, by mind manipulation and brain washing techniques.

Al-Qaida and Mojahedin-e Khalq have many common points in a way that based on international reports these two terrorist organizations are the only organizations which have cultic nature whose existence is an international threat.

Once more, congratulating this great achievement, we would like to ask you to help us to administer justice and try those who have made us to experience the bitter taste of terrorism.

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