The MeK Badly Needs Rebranding Makeover

On May 13, The Wall Street Journal published an article, MEK Banned Terror Group Seeks U.S. Rebirth, on MKO propaganda Campaign, in the United States, that hopes “to convey the image of a popular, democratic alternative to Tehran’s ruling clerics.”

Keith Johnson, Jay Salamon and Scott Greenberg, disclosed in the WSJ article that American supporters of MKO were paid high fees to speak at the group’s events to advocate for its cause.

The article also suggested that the campagne for delisting MKO is the result of a fact that was revealed by anti-secrecy group Wikileaks which reported that the then-secretary of State Condoleezza Rice wrote in a 2009 internal cable:”The most powerful myth the MEK has been able to lodge in minds of most supporters is that they are the democratic alternative to the current regime in Tehran.” She also referred to the MEK’s “terrorism and Cult-like repression of its members.”

This May13 article on WSJ resulted in the publication of a letter by MKO’s counselor for its delisting efforts, Andrew Frey on the very newspaper. Mr. Frey accused the article of conveying “misleading impressions” regarding MKO. He claimed that the group “seeks a democratic, secular, nonnuclear Iran”, justifying his partners’ support for a terrorist designated group as a position not inimical to their national security interests.

Following the publication of Mr. Frey’s letter on May 24, Bart Blessing of Foster City, California replied him by a letter titled “The MEK badly needs Rebranding Makeover.”

The writer of the letter offers solution to supporters of MKO in order to succeed in selling their cause. He also notices the difficult path they have to take to purify the background of MKO,” like trying to get opium qualified as “all natural” :

Regarding Andrew Frey’s letter”It’s Time to Take the MeK off the U.S. Terrorist List”(May 24): The solution to the Mujahedin e-Khalq problem is Marketing 101. Rename the organization”Democratic Party of Iran”(or something like that), and adopt a charter respectful of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Continuing to promote yourself as”mujahedin”to local hot-heads while renouncing violence for appeal in the West is an uphill battle, like trying to get opium qualified as”all natural.”

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