Yves Bonnet’s French lawyers condemned MKO’s fake announcement

French lawyers of Yves Bonnet seriously condemned the group’s misinformation on his court ruling and reproached MKO for distortion of the ruling.

Following the biting failure of Yves Bonnet, former Head of French Secret Service, in French appeal court in Paris, Rajavi’s band set off for a disinformation campaign quoting fake words of Bonnet’s French lawyers.

In the announcement allegedly related to 5 French lawyers published on MKO’s websites in Persian, Yves Bonnet has won two courts against his plaintiffs during the 2 past years.
In fact, Mr. Yves Bonnet absolutely lost his two courts in Paris where Rajavi’s Band had mobilized 600 people and attacked and bit critics.

He was sentenced to pay penalty and publish an apology letter in three French newspapers.
He was required by the court to mention in the letter of apology that his book:” Vevak at Ayatollahs service” was written under the orders of Mujahedin Khalq Organization. He also had to pay a 3000 – euro penalty.

Following the publication of the distorted announcement regarding Bonnet’s Court, plaintiffs of the court complained to french judiciary .Yves Bonnet’s attorneys, to respond the court judge, denied the announcement published on MKO official websites and declared that they didn’t compose or publish any announcement regarding Yves Bonnet’s court.

They seriously condemned MKO’s obstinate act to distort the ruling of French judiciary.

The attorneys told that they hadn’t been aware of the text of the announcement and admitted that the court ruling was based on Mr. Bonnet’s failure.

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