Mark Dankof: U.S. support for MEK and PKK against Algiers Accord

US not wavering from future Iran invasion

Interview with Mark Dankof, investigative journalist, San Antonio.

Enemies of Iran who profess to fight a war against terror are financing, protecting and steering major terrorist groups to create sectarian strife in Iran to pre-empt an intervention.
Press TV talks with Mark Dankof, investigative journalist from San Antonio who outlines the greater imperial game plan of the coalition of the US, Israel, France, England and Saudi Arabia against Iran. Following is a transcript of the interview.

Press TV: The US and Israel and others are supporting the MKO and the PJAK group of terrorist organizations — Doesn’t that go against the notion of the US fighting terrorism and terrorist groups while they are supporting the PJAK group in particular?

Mark Dankof: There’s no question about it. You could go back to January 1981 the so-called Algiers Accord when the US committed itself to never intervening or interfering again in the internal affairs of Iran.

Obviously when you look at what’s happened in the last 30 years we (US) have trampled all over the Algiers Accord and our support for PJAK; our support for the Mujahidin-e Khalq; and our support for Jundallah is clearly evidence of the fact that we are perpetually intervening in Iran’s business engaging in acts of terror and cross border incursions that are absolutely illegal and reprehensible. It’s a simple contra indication of everything the American government claims to stand for.

Press TV: Some political commentators are saying that this is all part of the thinking behind the US concept of a greater Middle East — Is that a factor in the scenario?

Mark Dankof: I think it is and I think the Zionist connection in this is also very instructive. Bernhard Lewis’s roadmap for what should happen in the Middle East is particularly insightful here. It seems to me that when you look at American and Israeli interests as the Neo-conservatives and the Zionists perceive that, there are a number of things going on here in supporting groups like PJAK, the Mujahidin-e Khalq and Jundallah.
It seems to me that other than the use of overt military force and the threat of overt military force, and economic sanctions in supporting NGOs and politicians in Iran who are considered to be opponents of the regime, that supporting groups like PJAK and Jundallah and the MEK serves a broader American and Zionist interest and that is to take Iran and attempt to support tribalist movements and sectarian movements that would weaken the central government in Iran.
It seems to me that this is going on with PJAK and the attempt to utilize them; to stir up ethnic trouble involving Kurds; this certainly is going on with the kind of support the US is covertly giving to sectarian groups who I think would like to create tensions between Arabs and Persians within Iran.
And clearly when you start looking at the Azeris — and there are 20-25 million Azeris in Iran; that PJAK has expressed an interest not simply in fomenting trouble against Tehran vis a vis the Kurdish route, but also trying to stir up trouble with the Azeris and the Arabs who live in Iran to create tribal divisions, sectional divisions, that would serve to weaken the central government in Iran if overt threats of military force and economic sanctions are not sufficient to do the job.

Press TV: What regional consequences might this have because as we speak this armed conflict is still going on? What are the chances of this spreading and involving other countries? We could talk about Turkey and Syria, which hold large Kurdish populations.

Mark Dankof: Well, I think the possibilities are endless in terms of an expansion of this conflict. And it seems to me that with the Neo-conservatives in Washington and the Zionist regime in Israel that’s exactly what they want — to create division; to foment unrest and instability; to fan the flames of sectarian strife and where possible to create even a false flag incident that could be blamed on Iran to justify further overt military action against your country.
This is what I’m afraid of. I’ve been warning about this for 5, 6, 7 years now; Dr. Paul Sheldon Foote as well; and it seems to me that this is the ultimate game plan. So I have no good feelings about any of this.

Press TV: When do you anticipate an all out incursion whether its direct or indirect in this case and talking about PJAK and what they are doing?

Mark Dankof: Who knows. I have no inside intelligence sources on this, but it seems to me that the dangers are obvious and when you see repeated things going on in the Western media including ex-CIA agent Robert Baer’s statements recently that he had information to the effect that the US either with or without Israel could conceivably attack Iran as early as September.
Whether or not this plays out that remains to be seen. But clearly the larger game plan is in view here and that is to create a larger situation that can be used for another overt British American and Israeli intervention in the region.
And I think Syria is at risk. Clearly they’re at risk and more importantly I think Iran is in danger — I don’t think anyone questions this who has seriously looked at the problem.

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