Three MKO defectors joined their families

Three former members of the terrorist Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) joined their families in the central province of Isfahan, said the head of the provincial Nejat Society here on Thursday.

Speaking at a ceremony marking the repatriation of the three former MKO members on Wednesday evening, Mohsen Hashemi said that Qasem Baba Safari, Bijan Shah Moradi and Hossein Janatinejad were among a group of the repentant members of the terrorist group who returned home after escaping the notorious Ashraf camp in Iraq.

Since 2003, Hashemi said, about 500 MKO members have managed to flee Ashraf camp and successfully return home through the cooperation of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and Iran’s Foreign Ministry.

Most of those being kept by the MKO had left Iran in the hope of finding jobs but later fell in the trap of MKO agents and taken to the notorious camp for hard labor.

The three were MKO members during 1988-2000, Hashemi said.

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