MKO’s first obstacle for the UNHCR

Rajavi: I will not let hostages out

MeK leadership is strongly opposed to any plan or program which depends on free decisions of people trapped in Camp Ashraf.

Masood Rajavi will disrupt any legal program, in which individual interests and future of members is a priority, and through it he fails to maintain the organization; so by suppressing and control of troops, he will force them to obedience and sacrifice for its own interests.

In order to disturb any plans and programs based on the law, MeK gang leader will resort to the tactic of threat, and he will display a bloody Image of the insubordination to the world, to the price of sacrificing all the people in the Camp.

As was expected, despite the propaganda by Rajavi’s terrorist gang about statement of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, And despite the misuse of the term "refugee", Since UNHCR’s action is based on the recognition of individuals and depends on interviewing them, Propaganda maneuvering, Masood Rajavi has began disrupting it.

In this regard, in its last announcement, MeK has referred to the Maryam Rajavi’s warning on solo interviews:

Any sending out of residents from the camp, Under Any title, for registration, or interview, is unacceptable, except by helicopter and with full responsibility and protection of United Nations, like the personnel shuttle of United Nations and Western countries.

A simple and practical solution is to Separate a part of the camp and deliver it to the staff of UNHCR and UNAMI monitors, so that, under the flag of United Nations, they can perform their mission separately and independently, in order to Rapid confirmation of Ashraf residents’ refugee status, and to prevent creating another blood bath.

Opposition to the sending out of residents from the camp is the first step of MeK excuses against the United Nations’s actions. Obviously, Mujahedeen are seeking to create conditions in which they have Maximum control and effect over the actions of the United Nations.

Moreover, it is also clear that from now, through blackmail and putting pressure on UNHCR, MeK ring leaders are putting preconditions for interviews, with this pretext that Interviews must necessarily lead to the grant of asylum, only, in Iraq.

In this situation, once again the necessity to dissolution of the organizational hierarchy and remove the control of MeK leadership is emerged, which undoubtedly is the task of United Nations and Red Cross; Because If not, these institutions will never reach their humanitarian goals.

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