Dissolving camp Ashraf will save 3400 terror victims

Any action to dissolve Camp Ashraf will save 3,400 terror victims, Advocacy Group for Victims of Terrorism in the Middle East said on Sunday.

In a letter to the EU Foreign Policy Chief Catherine Ashton, the advocacy group said that ‘the international community has a duty to help members of terrorist organizations around the world including members of Mojahedin-e Khalq (MKO) to be liberated and find their human dignity.’

‘The appointment of Ambassador De Ruyt and continued violation of human rights in Camp Ashraf is the reason for sending the letter,’ it said.

The letter underlined that although since 2003 and subsequent MKO disarmament, MKO tries to show its peaceful face defying the fact that it has assassinated 12,000 Iranian citizens, 7 US citizens and thousands of Iraqi citizens over past three decades.

Referring to the continuation of military structure of Camp Ashraf and military discipline there, in addition to trainings given to MKO members for conducting terrorist operations similar to those carried out by MKO members in June 2003 self-immolation acts in various European countries, this NGO letter to Ashton emphasized that MKO leaders are still willing to provoke terrorist operations.

‘Brain washing, forced separation of female and males including forcing divorce upon married couples, forcing members to cut their relations with family and relatives and the whole society and in the meantime, imposing the organization rough rules to all members are just part of the inhumane actions done in Camp Ashraf against international rules and regulations,’ the letter expressed.

It also underlined that reports published by independent institutions such as Nuclear watchdog in 2005, RAND report in 2009, the report released by German Federal Government security apparatus in 2007 and recent US Secretary of State and the separated MKO members reports and interviews proves anti-humane and racial structure of the Camp Ashraf.

MKO today is misusing human rights and the related international organizations to prevent the dissolution of this terrorist organization by the complete transfer of Camp Ashraf somewhere out of Iraq, possibly a European country, the Advocacy Group of Victims of Terrorism in the Middle East stated in its open letter.

‘The complete move of the Camp Ashraf contradicts the civil liberties of Camp residents; If members of MKO have the right to decide about their future life, they will choose freedom and become separated from this terrorist organization.’

Catherine Ashton, EU High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs recently appointed De Ruyt to advise the European Union’s response to Camp Ashraf.

Ambassador De Ruyt has served as Belgium’s Permanent Representative to the European Union.

In April, Iraqi government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh said Baghdad is determined to shut down Camp Ashraf, where members of the terrorist Mujahidin Khalq Organization (MKO) live and disband the group.

Members of the MKO fled to Iraq in 1986, where they enjoyed the support of former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, and set up Camp Ashraf near the Iranian border in Diyala.

The group has carried out numerous acts of terror and violence against Iranian civilians and government officials.

The terror organization is also known to have cooperated with Saddam in suppressing the 1991 uprisings in southern Iraq and the massacre of Iraqi Kurds in the north.

Tehran has repeatedly called on the Iraqi government to expel the group, but the US has been blocking the expulsion of MKO by pressuring the Iraqi government.

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