Mek efforts to Make Anti-Iranian scenario Believable

Since the story of American accusing Iran of planning to assassinate the Saudi envoy in Washington, we can find more clues about the involvement of MeK lobbies which are connected with Israel in this scenario, and as the time passes, this alleged plot becomes more unbelievable and it is faced with more questions.
One of the reasons that reveal the role of terrorist group MeK in this story is their great efforts to make it believable.

Yesterday, Alireza Jafarzadeh, MeK spokesman in Washington, attended among supporters of this terrorist group in National Press Club in Washington to make a journalistic scenario about arrangement of the Qods Force. But the main purpose of this meeting was trying to make believable the so-called "Iranian terror plot".

Obviously, Rajavi remnants are extremely nervous and cluttered of rational questions of scholars, writers, journalists and intellectuals in America and around the world about accuracy of this scenario.

Flattering for belligerents and Zionists, Sena Bargh Zahedi, a MeK member in Paris addressed those who consider anti-Iran scenario a joke:

"If you were told before 9/11 that such an event would happen, you would find it unbelievable, too!"

As if someone one has believed the 9/11 fiction! But we can infer from this statement that the recent scenario designers have intended to assassinate Saudi envoy, which for some reasons was failed; so they have decided to broadcast it and take it to the Security Council, just for backtracking.

Disclosure of relationship between Gholam-Hossein Shakouri, the second suspect in the alleged plot, and MeK reveals another aspect of in this scenario that should be dealt carefully.

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