Mossad killed my husband

Wife of the late Iranian nuclear scientist Massoud Mohammadi says Israeli agents were behind the assassination of her husband.

“An Israeli openly told me in an international congress on victims of terrorism in France…that ‘we have assassinated your husband and we have been at war with you for 30 years,’” Mansoureh Karami said on Monday.

She stated that although Israel is an occupying regime, it considers itself a victim of terrorism, Fars News Agency quoted Karami as saying.

“I am sorry that an Iranian young man sold himself for money…. The assassin admitted that Israelis had told him that Ali-Mohammadi was trying to build a [nuclear] bomb, but this was not true. Israel and terrorist organizations like the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) have [tried to] hurt our sacred establishment using assassination,” she said.

Karami added that if UN human rights rapporteur, Ahmed Shaheed, aims to protect justice and human rights, he should talk to the families of Iranian victims of terror.

“There are more than 17,000 victims of terrorism in Iran. Although this phenomenon has been denounced throughout the world, the US uses it as tool,” she noted.

Professor Massoud Ali-Mohammadi, a lecturer at Tehran University, was killed by a booby-trapped motorbike near his home in northern Tehran on January 12, 2010.

Ali Jamali-Fashi, the man who killed Ali-Mohammadi, admitted in court that he had made numerous visits to Turkey to meet Mossad agents prior to the assassination attempt.

Fashi confessed to having repeatedly met with enemy elements in parks in Tehran and receiving between USD 5,000 to 10,000 for each meeting.

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