SFF interview Mahmoud Rostami, MKO defector

Mohammad Rostami escaped the cult of Rajavi on sep.17, 2011 after twenty-two years of membership in the MKO.

He met his parents on November 4th after years of separation. The Rostamis hugged and kissed their son warmly with tearful eyes. Other families picketing in front of Camp Ashraf witnessed the emotional scene, congratulating the Rostamis for visiting their beloved son after twenty-two years.

SFF: how do you feel visiting your parents after 23 years?
Mahmoud: (While kissing her mother’s hand), I’m very happy, I can’t describe my feeling. I’m sorry I hurt them and caused them too much trouble during those years. I hope that they forgive me.

SFF: How did you join the MKO?

I was a prisoner of Iran-Iraq war. After years of imprisonment in Iraqi camps, I joined the group out of necessity.

how come you decided to escape Camp Ashraf?

I have written a number of papers on the situation inside Ashraf and I have given them to Sahar Family Foundation. Briefly, I’d say that members in Camp Ashraf are brainwashed. Before Ramadan [the month of fasting in Islam] I heard my mother’s voice via loudspeakers of families picketing in front of Ashraf gates. I got so happy, I felt like being awakened. I went to my commander and asked him to let me access a telephone to call my family in order that I would tell them not to come to Ashraf any more (this was my pretext to speak with my family). They said that they didn’t have any telephone for such a use. I said “Ok, I will go near the fence to speak to them and tell them to get back.” when the officials found my insistence, they allowed me to have a controlled phone call. When I talked to my family, I found out that I was not forgotten and they still love me so I decided to escape. I worked on my escape plan for a few months, and finally I succeeded. Now, I will try my best to help release my friends from Ashraf.

Mrs. Rostami, [Mahmoud’s Mother] how many times have you come to Camp Ashraf, so far?

Mrs. Rostami:
first of all, I should say that I owe my son’s release to all families who have been picketing in front of Ashraf prison for about two years. Especially I’m thankful to Mrs. Abdollahi [the mother of an Ashraf resident] who always motivated us to be patient .
I came to Iraq three times and I would go to Ashraf gates and call my son through loudspeakers several times. I cried a lot and each time I had to get back home after my visa was expired, then I would get back to Iraq again after a while.
I tried to keep in touch with families here regularly. We feel that we should help each other in order to release our children from here [Camp Ashraf]. Thank God.
I got back to Iran a day before Ramadan. Telephone rang at home. One of my children answered and cried,” Mommy, Mohamamd is on the line”. He was calling from Ashraf. He said,” mom, you were here. I headed your voice but don’t come anymore.” I said” Dear, Escape! We are awaiting you. We miss you.”
Two months ago, Mohamamd called again and told that he had escaped Ashraf prison and he was in hotel. I couldn’t sleep that night. I called him everyday. When I found out that didn’t intend to come to Iran. I came to Iraq to see him. I wouldn’t have been relieved if I hadn’t seen him.

congratulations again! We hope that other Ashraf prisoners will be released as soon as possible and all families will be happy.

Translated by Nejat Society

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