Israel and the MeK: Amano’s report is of us

As a first response to the Amano’s report on the Iranian nuclear program, Benjamin Netanyahu claimed that the IAEA Agency’s report underscores the Israeli position on Iran’s efforts to acquire nuclear weapons.

Also Maryam Rajavi, the terrorist group MeK leader’s wife, alleged that the report confirms all disclosures that they have done throughout these years, and they were neglected by the west.

Calling for Increasing pressure on Iran through more sanctions, and accompany of Russia and China with these sanctions, Netanyahu considered Iran’s peaceful nuclear program as a threat to the world peace, and stressed that the world should put an end on what he called Iranian efforts to acquire nuclear weapons.

At the top of the Rajavi’s gang demands, Maryam Rajavi called for boycott buying oil from Iran and stop fueling the Iranian Nuclear projects.

It seems that these two, instructed by a single commander, have issued the statements to proclaim their disabilities in confronting Iran.

Maryam Rajavi’s frequent requests from the U.S to remove MeK from the list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations, which is raised once again with the pretext of Amano’s report, is due to the same incapacity and inability.

With American Policy shift in Iraq, which would leave the MeK orphaned there, few years ago, Mujahedeen had requested the U.S to remove them from the FTO as a guarantee for not being pursued, and to have a life without concern in the West, a request which still remains unanswered.

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