Khalis police arrest MEK members on terrorism charges

Khalis police arrest gang of Saddamists, American contractors and Mojahedin-e Khalq members on terrorism charges

A source in the Iraqi security services said that the police arrested eleven people on Sunday 11 December in the Khalis district who were of different nationalities, all with fake IDs.

They were arrested while in vehicles which were masquerading as governmental vehicles coming out of Camp Ashraf. The source, who declined to be named at this point of time, said that two of the suspects where U.S. citizens and three of them were members of the Mojahedin Khalq, all speaking fluent Arabic. The remaining six were former (Saddamist) Iraqi army officers, all dressed in uniforms of the Iraqi army.

The source confirmed that the U.S. embassy had intervened and pulled its citizens out on the same day before the other nine were referred to judicial authorities for investigation. The U.S. citizens were revealed to be from a private American security company which has its HQ in Mansour Street. Major General Qassim Atta the official spokesman for Baghdad operations refused to give details of this incident.

Al- Bayyana, Baghdad, Translated by Iran Interlink

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