Ex MKO members call on MSF to stop medical abuse in Camp Ashraf

Honorable director of the freelance doctors in Iraq, Mr. Antoin Foucher


We are a group of former members of pmoi( People’s Mujahedin Organization ) who had been living for a long period of time in Iraq and in different pmoi garrisons . We intend to inform you about important and tangible subjects which we experienced them while we were in pmoi.

Unfortunately , during past years the leaders and operatives of this organization have tried their best to show different image of themselves by resorting to different associations , medical centers, humanitarian and charity organizations throughout European and American countries and in the name of the orphan women and children as well as the wounded and injured members of Ashraf garrison gathered a huge quantity of medical apparatus and equipments as well as money , medicine , food , and clothes or by grave money laundering( as a result of the money laundering they are under prosecution in Europe and United States), they were able to pay and compensate the costs of their political gatherings, demonstrations, and meetings.

We as the former members of this organization who had been present in that organization for a long time can assure you that unfortunately the most of those equipments and apparatuses which were received by the leaders of pmoi, did not reach to the hands of those needed and instead they were directly utilized by pmoi leadership and operatives for personal and other organizational purposes or they were sold in different Iraqi markets and the money had been utilized in Europe and United States for pmoi leadership’s political and propaganda purposes.

We know for sure that the huge amount of those clothes , medicine and food which were given to pmoi operatives and leadership by the US Army for the members did not reach to the hands of those members who needed them badly and instead those items mentioned above were sold in Iraqi markets and some cheaper items with bad quality were purchased by pmoi operatives to replace them , and there is no doubt that the medical equipments and apparatuses which were given by US Army also were utilized somewhere else.
We know for sure that during the past two bloody scuffle between pmoi members and Iraqi forces many of those members got injured and wounded but unfortunately those injured and wounded who some of them were bleeding badly were kept in inappropriate places without enough medical care just because the pmoi leadership wanted to take advantage of them for political and propaganda purposes, and as a result of that some of those injured and wounded members died . For this reason , we who are friends of those stranded members in Ashraf camp and we know them as our family and friends , urge you as the director of the freelance doctors in Iraq who are in humanitarian and medical mission in Iraq to do the following requests:

1. Whatever you can convey and send your rapid and emergency aides to our friends and families who are captives of pmoi ideology and thoughts in Ashraf as soon as possible and by cooperation with Iraqi government beget opportunities who those stranded members can refer to you personally and individually to use your humanitarian and medical aides utterly.

2. We are urging you to give your medical aides to each pmoi individual and needy members without the presence of pmoi operatives and leadership as intermediate and middleman.

3. The other requests which the pmoi medical center asks you for money , medicine, and medical equipments , as we mentioned above should be handled carefully because as we said according to 25 years of experience that we have in pmoi, those requests will be used in political and propaganda purposes and unfortunately the humane aspect in those requests by the pmoi leadership is very weak and worthless , for that reason you and your staff should be very careful and vigilant in dealing with the pmoi operatives.

We are very grateful and thankful to you for helping our brothers and sisters directly in Ashraf garrison and we hope that our friends specially our sisters and the women captives in Ashraf garrison can get in touch with you and your staff directly and use your medical aides, and also you and your staff can see them and cure their physical and psychological problems and also you by knowing them will find out more about the facts and warnings which we mentioned to you in our letter .

We also got in touch with your colleagues in Paris and informed them about the facts which we mentioned them to you .


The former members of pmoi

Faryade Azadi, Paris

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