326 MKO members transfer to Baghdad

236 members of the Mujahedin khalq organization are transferred to Baghdad international airport in order to be expelled from Iraq, declared Al-Khalis Governor.

Al-Alam reported from Buratha News that Mr. Ali Al-Khadran , Al Khalis Governor said: ”326 members of terrorist Mujahedin are transferred to Camp Liberty near Baghdad airport, today .”
“The decision was made under terms of the memorandum of understanding signed between Iraqi government and the UN,” he added.

Al-Khadran also asked the Iraqi government to return the land occupied by the MKO to its legal owners.

A memorandum of understanding was signed on Sunday by the UN Assistance Mission and the Iraqi government to relocate Camp Ashraf residents to a temporary site until their complete departure from Iraq.

The UN Office in Iraq declared in a statement,” The MoU produces a process in which Iraq will relocate Ashraf residents to a temporary base”.

Martin Kobler, the UN special representative in Iraq stated that Ashraf residents would be transferred to the new base until they leave Iraq.

Once again Kobler asked UN members to receive MKO members in their soil.
Nouri Al Maliki, Iraqi Prime minister stated last Wednesday that Iraq agreed to extend deadline for the MKO expulsion for six month based on the plan proposed by the UN.

Iraqi nation and officials insist on necessity of the expulsion of the group from their territory.

Terrorist groups are not allowed to reside in Iraq and this country will never be a platform for terrorist groups to attack neighboring countries, according to Iraqi constitution.

Translated by Nejat Society

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