Baathist- MEK band’s plots fail

The plots that the Baathist- Mujahedeen band had been planned against Noori Maliki’s government are lost out; Iraqi government has remained sovereign and each of its opponents has fled to a corner.

However, the MeK yet hunt for Maliki’s withdrawal and kill the time hoping that their favorite option takes over Iraq. The MeK have ignored the fact that if another faction or person hold the fort of Iraq, the situation for them would be far worse. In addition, if Maliki’s ideological rivals or his foes could subvert him, they would not be satisfied with MeK expulsion, but they will begin the process to send them back to Iran.

Also, with Mek’s procrastination, the international organization, more than ever, became conscious of MeK’s cheating and offense, as the US officially announced the world that it had been deceived by the MeK, and the UN and the UNHCR authorities are criticizing MeK’s hypocritical manner.

Despite that MeK is looking for changing of the political arrangement in Iraq, there is one more important reason for them to procrastinate: fear. For years a deep fear of the world outside, damage, and imprisonment has encompassed MeK, especially MeK’s leadership. MeK Crawling in depth of Camp Ashraf, and actions such as stoning those who want visit them, origins from this fear.

Holding of numerous conferences roots in the MeK’s necessity for being constantly under projector of media and agencies, the fact that indicates their extreme fear of unknown future. MeK’s peak of fear manifests in their resorting to the US and Israel to invade Iran.

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