Sadeq Khavari, MKO defector return home

It is a pleasure that another dissociated member of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization, Mr. Sadeq Khavari returned home after years of imprisonment in the cult of Rajavi. He was warmly welcomed by his loving family.

On Thursday, January 12nd, 2012, Nejat Society Office in Gilan had the honor to welcome a recently released prisoner of the Rajavis. Nejat office Gilan branch hopes the massive release of all dissident members of the MKO who are held hostage in Camp Ashraf.

The welcome meeting lasted two hours. A number of family members of Mr. Sadeq Khavari including his parents, brothers and sisters had come to receive their beloved warmly. They were hugging and kissing him while cursing to Rajavi. They thanked God for they saw their dream came true and their loved son could ultimately manage to back home after ten years.

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