Austrian Security Office’s Report on MKO

Austria’s security office has released a report on the terrorist organization of Mojahedin-e khalq. Part of this report is as follows:

Mujahideen-e Khalq, led by Massoud and Maryam Rajavi, has a totalitarian iron structure and acts all over the world.

Despite suppressive strategies of the Islamic Republic of Iran in 80s, MKO was active in Iran and inflicted damages to governmental institutions (especially security organizations) through terrorist activities. Out of Iran, MKO’s activities are focused on political propaganda and fundraising.

MKO supporters and sympathizers are also in Austria but they lack an organized structure. MKO’s body of activists in Austria is considered as a division from MKO’s headquarters in Germany.

MKO and its front organization, National Council of Resistance, as well as its military wing, National Liberation Army, are all on EU’s terror list.

Prediction: MKO would try to reorganize its structure in Europe, change its appearance as a terrorist organization and strengthen its political position in Europe. It’s difficult to have another prediction because MKO’s developments and their process depend on political events in Islamic Republic. In Austria, an organization of MKO is not likely. – October 3, 2005

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