US paper: MKO deserves Nobel Prize for killing Iran experts

Were the MeK (MKO) to play the critical role in derailing an Iranian bomb, it would be far more deserving of a Nobel Peace Prize than a certain president of the United States we could mention.”

New York Post editorial

An editorial in a leading US daily has called for the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) terrorists to be rewarded with a Nobel Peace Prize for murdering Iranian scientists.

“Were the MeK (MKO) to play the critical role in derailing an Iranian bomb, it would be far more deserving of a Nobel Peace Prize than a certain president of the United States we could mention,” a New York Post editorial read on Friday.

The remarks come on the heels of a report, published by NBC News on Thursday, citing two “senior US officials” confirming that the Israeli secret service had “financed, trained, and armed,” the MKO terrorists for them to assassinate Iranian scientists.

The US, Israel and their allies accuse Iran of pursuing a military nuclear program and have used this allegation as a pretext to sway the UN Security Council to impose four rounds of sanctions on Iran.

Based on these accusations, they have also repeatedly threatened Tehran with the "option" of a military strike.

In November 2011, some of the US presidential hopefuls openly called for conducting covert operations ranging from assassinating Iranian nuclear scientists to launching a military strike on Iran as well as sabotaging Tehran’s nuclear program.

The calls for the assassinations were not idle threats as a number of Iranian scientists have been assassinated over the past few years. Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan, Professor Majid Shahriari and Professor Masoud Ali-Mohammadi are among the victims of these acts of terror.

Ahmadi Roshan, a Sharif University of Technology chemical engineering graduate and a marketing deputy at Natanz nuclear facility, was killed on January 11 when two motorcyclists approached his car and attached a magnetic bomb to the vehicle.

Shahriari and Fereydoun Abbasi were targeted by terrorist attacks on November 29, 2010; Shahriari was killed immediately and Dr. Abbasi, the current director of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization, only sustained injuries.

“We’d say the [Iranian] engineers basically needed killing,” the US daily wrote.

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