Iraq to repossess property illegally confiscated by MKO

Iraq to repossess property illegally confiscated from Iraqi citizens by Mojahedin-e Khalq in Saddam’s era

Chairman of the Commission on Security and Defense tells Ashraf News: the decision to expel the Mojahedin-e Khalq is final

The head of the Security and Defense Committee in the House of Representatives Hassan al Sanid, said that Iraq will ask the courts to try the terrorist group Mojahedin-e Khalq. He said that there are many citizens who have been damaged or their property was confiscated by the group under the former regime.

Al Sanid told Ashraf News, that Iraq will not accept for even a moment that the group remain in the country. He pointed out that the Iraqi people have suffered a lot due to the presence of this terrorist group.

Al Sanid explained that the Iraqi government would re-possess from the MEK whatever had been seized from Iraqi citizens. The new Chairman of the Commission on Security and Defense confirmed his country’s parliament’s decision to remove the MEK from the country.

Translated by Iran Interlink

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