Pay attention to Mujahedin and their deterrent policies

A letter from Iran Pen club to European union’s High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy , Lady Catherine Ashton

Honorable Mrs. Ashton

European union’s high representative of the union for foreign affairs and security policy

As you are well informed that the relocation of Mujahedin from Iraqi soil has been the request of the lawful and legitimate Iraqi government for almost a decade , and in the recent months with intervention of United Nations to this subject , logical and feasible solution regarding to relocation of the pmoi members to the temporary and transitional liberty camp and then the relocation of those members to the third country has begun and fortunately during one month and half 1600 of pmoi members were relocated to the liberty camp and now in just less than 10 days remaining for the end of agreement between the Iraqi government and united nations but 1800 of pmoi members , the majority of the pmoi population , have not been relocated to the new place yet.

According to the personal experiences of the members of this association , pen club, who some of them had spent more than 20 years of their lives inside this organization , in the past they had warned and informed the juridical and responsible societies about pmoi leadership’s deterrent policies and now after almost three months , the statements of Mr. Martin Kobler , United Nations’ special envoy , regarding to relocation of the pmoi members quoting from news agencies ,substantiate and proves the authenticity of the Iran pen club worries .

According to the news agencies ¨ ……….. American government and United Nations in the subject of relocating the residents of Ashraf camp have got problem. According to the Martin Kobler’s statement , the United Nations’ representative in Iraq , the residents of Ashraf camp do not cooperate in the subject of their relocation to the new camp . but the biggest problem is their acceptance by the third country , no country is willing to accept people’s mujahedin …………¨ quoting from VOA and the interview with Martin Kobler

Honorable Mrs. Ashton

Because of the statements of UN reliable representative , we have become more worried about destiny of our friends and the pmoi dissident members who at the moment are captive inside this organization . the consecutive pmoi deterrent policies in the relocation process and procedure which has begun seriously under direct UN-supervision shows that the pmoi leadership is willing to draw this peaceful relocation process to scuffle and insurgency and unrest .

The Iran Pen Club is willing to fully cooperate in this matter and they welcome all efforts and struggles which help our friends and the pmoi dissidents who are stuck in this organization to be rescued. the undemocratic relations of pmoi leadership , Massoud Rajavi, does not allow the pmoi members to decide freely for themselves , so we urge you as a honorable and prominent figure in European Parliament to interfere with more decisiveness to forward the UN objectives in this relocation process of pmoi members to camp liberty and then transferring process to the third country.

We would like also to draw your attention to this point that in the situation which the US state department has not shown any intention to delist this organization from its terrorist list but ¨Henry Wooster , the director of Iran Affaires’ Office in US state department¨ in an interview with VOA clearly announces that :

¨ ……..even if they delist this group from the terrorist list , pmoi is not a democratic alternative ……. One of the problems that we have with mujahedin is that in our point of view , they can not be representative of a democratic reformist movement in Iran………..¨

You should pay attention that the people’s mujahedin ,because of their cooperation and collaboration with Saddam Hussein as enemy of Iranian people , are very unpopular among different Iranian groups in Iran and on the other hand the Iraqi government has said officially that these people should leave Iraq soil and the relocation process of these people to the camp liberty will come to an end in 10 days. According to the experts’ opinion the fact is that, their 30 years of dwelling in Ashraf camp has isolated them from the real world and valid and authenticated information about their past and this subject that, they are eligible and qualified to become refugee or not , is not available and also there are recent news which emphasize that the pmoi members inside Iran carry out attacks from Israel side which has become a deterrent factor and element for their relocation to the European countries .

With respect and best wishes to your feasible measures

Iran Pen Club, Germany, May 03 2012

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