West has a duty to take care of its retired terrorists from the MEK

According to the Tehran Times, the IRI has raised concerns that the Americans want to transfer the MEK en masse to a new terrorist camp in another neighbouring country, probably Azerbaijan.

Since these people are in fact too feeble to be actually used for anything, the intention behind such a move would be to antagonise the IRI and increase political tension. Such a move though would also suit others – Iraq, the EU and North America – by enabling them to wash their hands of this intractable problem; send them to a remote desert location where they can rot until death, circumventing the need to find homes for them in western countries.

Even dreaming of such a ‘solution’ would reveal that the dreamers are happy to ignore the human rights of these victims in the name of political gain or simple expediency.

So far European and North American countries have been reluctant to offer to take in the mostly elderly and sick former fighters. They should remember that it is their governments and other Western political pundits who have gleaned the greatest benefit from these victims. The MEK have been exploited relentlessly in the interminable political wrangling against Iran. Most have lost the best years of their lives trapped in the MEK’s Iraqi camps. It is now only fitting for these countries to pay back their debt to these victims by allowing them to retire with some dignity and ease, and with access to health care, in the West.

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